Geometry & Dynamics Seminar


27.10.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Andrey Mironov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)

Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Systems Corresponding to Singular Spectral Curves
Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University 

Abstract: We study the limiting case of the Krichever construction of orthogonal
curvilinear coordinate systems when the spectral curve becomes singular.
We show that when the curve is reducible and all its irreducible
components are rational curves, the construction procedure reduces to
solving systems of linear equations and to simple computations with
elementary functions. We also demonstrate how well-known coordinate
systems, such as polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, and
spherical coordinates in Euclidean spaces, fit in this scheme.

3.11.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Liat Kessler (Technion)
Title: Determining whether two sequences of sizes of symplectic blow ups
of the complex projective plane yield symplectomorphic manifolds.
Location: Amadu bldg., room 814, Technion

Abstract: For a symplectic manifold that is obtained by a sequence of
symplectic blow ups from CP^2, we give an algorithm that identifies the
homology classes of minimal area among the homology classes of embedded
symplectic spheres with self intersection -1. This enables us to determine
given two sequences of symplectic blow ups of CP^2 whether they yield the
same symplectic manifold. We deduce results on counting toric actions on
symplectic four-manifolds.

17.11.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Mark Branson (Technion)
Title: The Action-Maslov Homomorphism on Monotone Symplectic Manifolds
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The action-Maslov homomorphism is a useful tool for understanding
several diverse properties of the Hamiltonian group. We will discuss
the construction of quantum homology of a monotone symplectic manifold
and the relationship between quantum homology and the action-Maslov
homomorphism.  The structure of quantum homology gives restrictions on
the possible Seidel elements, which in turn gives restrictions on the
action-Maslov homomorphism.  No prior knowledge of symplectic geometry
will be required.

24.11.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Tony Rieser (Technion)
Blow-ups and blow-downs of Lagrangian submanifolds and real symplectic packing
Location: Amadu bldg., room 814, Technion

Abstract: Abstract

15.12.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Frol Zapolsky (IHES)
Title: Spectral Invariants on Cotangent Bundles and Applications
Location: Amadu bldg., room 814, Technion

Abstract: I'm going to define certain functionals on the Hamiltonian group and on
the set of compactly supported continuous functions of a cotangent bundle
(for a wide class of bases), starting from spectral invariants arising
from Lagrangian Floer homology. These functionals generalize Viterbo's
symplectic homogenization, and yield more or less standard applications to
bounded cohomology, Hofer's geometry, Aubry-Mather theory and symplectic

22.12.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Lev Buhovsky (University of Chicago)
Title: On the uniqueness of Hofer's geometry
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

In this talk we address the question whether Hofer's metric is unique among the
Finsler-type bi-invariant metrics on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.
The talk is based on a recent joint work with Yaron Ostrover.

29.12.2010, 13:00 (Wednesday) Gabi Ben Simon (ETH-Zürich)
Title: Cohomological invariants and order invariants of Teichmuller spaces.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will present two different invariants for Teichmuller spaces. The first one
is cohomological and it is due to Burger-Iozzi -Wienhard. The second one is
an "order invariant" which is due to Hartnick and Ben Simon. Both have a 
generalization (which I will only mention) in the theory of higher Teichmuller
theory. The ideas are strongly related to group actions on the circle.

29.12.2010, 14:15 (Wednesday) Paul Biran (ETH-Zürich and Tel-Aviv University)
Title: Enumerative & categorical aspects of Lagrangian cobordisms.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I will address questions on Lagrangian topology
from the less traditional point of view of Lagrangian cobordisms (a
notion that goes back to Arnold, and was later studies by Eliashberg,
Audin and Chekanov). I will discuss which symplectic invariants of
Lagrangian submanifolds "survive" under cobordisms. In particular I
will focus on Floer theoretical invariants as well as enumerative
invariants. Finally, I will indicate some new ideas on how to wrap
Lagrangian cobordisms into meaningful categories with hopefully good
algebraic properties. The talk is based on a joint work with Octav Cornea.

12.1.2011, 13:00
Michael Khanevsky (ETH-Zürich)
Title: Hofer’s metric on the space of diameters
Location: Amadu bldg., room 814, Technion

Abstract: In this talk I will address Hofer's distance between diameters in the unit disk.
I will prove that distance is unbounded and show its relation to Lagrangian intersections.

16.3.2011, 13:00 (Wednesday)
Emmanuel Opshtein  (Université de Strasbourg)
Title: Polarizations and Symplectic Embeddings
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The aim of the talk will be to explain how polarizations of symplectic 
manifolds provide efficient tools (via Biran's decomposition theorem)
to get some flexibility properties for embedding problems. For instance,
I will explain that any symplectic manifold can be "covered" by a small
number of standard pieces : ellipsoids.

30.3.2011, 13:00 (Wednesday)

Egor Shelukhin (Tel-Aviv University)

Title: Moment maps and quasimorphisms
Location: Amadu bldg., room 814, Technion

Abstract: It has long been known (and is due to many authors) that whenever a group G acts
on a Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type by Kahler isometries, one can
construct a bounded two-cocycle on G by integrating the Kahler form over geodesic
triangles. Similarly, Reznikov has constructed bounded two-cocycles on groups of
symplectomorphisms using their action on the space of compatible almost complex
structures. We show that if the action under discussion has an equivariant moment
map, such a cocycle has a primitive - a quasimorphism on the universal cover of
the group. This holds in the finite dimensional case - that is for Hermitian Lie
groups - giving a reinterpretation of the Guichardet-Wigner quasimorphisms, and
for the infinite-dimensional groups of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of any finite
volume symplectic manifold, generalizing several previous constructions due to
Barge-Ghys, Entov and Py. The moment map construction in the second case is due to
Donaldson and Fujiki (for the integrable structures). We also compute the restriction
of the quasimorphism to the fundamental group and determine its local type. Our
construction involves a generalization of Weinstein's Action homomorphism and is
related to the Barge-Ghys construction for discrete subgroups of PSL(2,R).

24.05.2011, 12:00 (Tuesday)

Marshall Slemrod  (University of Wisconsin)

Title: Entropy and isometric embedding
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The problem of isometric embedding of a Riemannian Manifold into 
Euclidean space is a classical issue in differential geometry and 
nonlinear PDE. In this talk I will outline recent work my co-workers 
and I have done using ideas from continuum mechanics as a guide in 
formulating the problem and giving (we hope ) some new insight into 
the role of "entropy".

31.05.2011, 12:00 (Tuesday)  

Helmut Hofer (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

Title: Generalizations of Fredholm Theory
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A meanwhile standard idea for producing geometric invariants
(f.e Donaldson Theory, Gromov-Witten Theory, Symplectic Field Theory)
consists of counting solutions of nonlinear elliptic systems associated
to the geometric data. Although the idea is easy, the implementation
can be very difficult and involved, due to a usually large number of technical
issues, which in more classical approaches to such type of problems
are more than "painful". If there weren't these inherent compactness
and transversality problems the solution sets of the elliptic problems
would be nice manifolds or orbifolds and the invariants would be
achieved by integration of suitable differential forms over them. As
it turns  the arising difficulties can be overcome by a drastic
generalization of nonlinear Fredholm theory and new methods for
implementing it in concrete problems.

Organized by Michael Bialy, Michael Entov, & Yaron Ostrover