Geometry & Dynamics Seminar 2012-13

The usual place and time are Tel Aviv University's Schreiber Building room 209, on Wednesdays at 14:10.

Please check each announcement since this is sometimes changed.


24.10.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Orientation meeting for students

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

30.10.2012, 11:10 (Tuesday) Valentin Ovsienko (CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon)

Title: Pentagram map and frieze patterns
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The pentagram map is a dynamical system that has amazing relations to geometry,
algebra and combinatorics.  It was invented by Richard Schwartz 20 years ago and
it has recently attracted much interest. I will give a survey of recent activity around
the pentagram map, explain the role of Coxeter's frieze patterns and formulate open
questions. The talk will be elementary.

31.10.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Boris Dubrovin (SISSA, Trieste, Italy & Steklov Math. Institute)

Title: On topological recursion for integrable systems
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We consider the class of hierarchies of integrable PDEs satisfying topological recursion coming from
 Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces of stable algebraic curves. Many classical examples like
Korteweg - de Vries, nonlinear Schroedinger, Toda lattice equations belong to this class but there are
many new hierarchies depending on continuous parameters. Construction of such "hierarchies
of topological type" will be explained in the talk.

7.11.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yaron Ostrover (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Mathematical billiards in the eye of symplectic geometry
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Abstract: Mathematical billiards describe the motion of a massless particle
in a domain with elastic reflections from the boundary. Despite the simplicity
of the model, mathematical billiards present a broad variety of dynamical
behaviors, from complete integrability to chaotic motion. Furthermore, the
study of billiard dynamics has vast applications to different fields such as
mathematical physics, number theory, acoustics, optics, etc.

In this talk we will highlight some of the geometric aspects of billiard dynamics.
In particular, we will explain how a certain symplectic invariant on the classical
phase space can be used to obtain bounds and inequalities on the length of the
shortest periodic billiard trajectory.

The talk is based on a joint work with Shiri Artstein-Avidan.

14.11.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Jake Solomon (Hebrew University)

Title: The Calabi homomorphism, Lagrangian paths and special Lagrangians
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The talk will have two parts. First, I'll discuss a
generalization of the Calabi homomorphism to a functional on
Lagrangian paths and its relationship with special Lagrangian
geometry.  Then, I'll explain how these ideas fit in the framework
of mirror symmetry.

21.11.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Francois Charette (Tel Aviv University)

Title: A categorification of the relative Seidel morphism
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The Lagrangian cobordism category recently introduced by Biran
and Cornea provides a way to encode Lagrangian submanifolds algebraically,
via a functor to the Fukaya category.  We will discuss the effect of a simple
version of this functor on the Lagrangian suspension given by a Hamiltonian

The talk is based on joint work with Paul Biran and Octav Cornea.

28.11.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yael Karshon (University of Toronto)

Title: Morse-Bott-Kirwan theory
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: One of the central players in equivariant symplectic geometry is the momentum map, a map to
Euclidean space that encodes symmetries of the system. One of the central techniques in equivariant
symplectic geometry is to apply Morse Theory to components of the momentum map or to the
norm-square of the momentum map.

Unfortunately, the norm-square of the momentum map is not quite a Morse function.
Fortunately, the norm-square satisfies a condition, identified by Kirwan, under which
the usual techniques of Morse-Bott theory still work.

Together with Tara Holm, we prove that if a function satisfies Kirwan's condition locally
then it also satisfies this condition globally. As an application, we use the local normal form
theorem to recover Kirwan's result that the norm square of a momentum map satisfies
Kirwan's condition.

28.11.2012, 15:10 (Wednesday) Maia Fraser (University of Chicago)

Title: Equivariant generating function homology and general contact non-squeezing in $\R^{2n} \times S^1$
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will give an overview of generating function homology for contact manifolds and describe a variant
of equivariant generating function homology which makes it possible to mimic a ${\mathbb Z}$-action
in the time-direction on loops. As an application I will show how this may be used to prove general
non-squeezing in the contact manifold $R^{2n}\times S^1$. (first stated and partially proved by
Eliashberg, Kim and Polterovich [EKP2006]): given any $R_1 > 1$ and $R_2 < R_1$ it is impossible
to map  $B(R_1)\times S^1$ into $B(R_2) \times S^1$ by a contactomorphism isotopic to the identity
through compactly supported contactomorphisms,  where $B(R)$ is the ball of symplectic area $R$.

5.12.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Lev Buhovski (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Unboundedness of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian in the symplectic category
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The main subject of this talk is the question of Leonid Polterovich, about
the symplectic flexibility of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian.
At the beginning I will describe the  history of this problem, and the first
partial solutions of it. In the second half of the talk, I will give a sketch of
my solution of the question.

12.12.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday)
Dmitry Faifman (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Applying symplectic techniques to metric geometry
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: One natural approach of constructing invariants of a normed space is
to attach to it some compact Finsler manifold, and then study its geometric
 invariants such as volume and closed geodesics. The girth of a normed space is
such an invariant. We will discuss several such constructions, and survey some
classical theorems and conjectures describing them. Then we will see how techniques
of symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian group actions can be applied to study such

19.12.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Michael Brandenbursky (Vanderbilt University)

Title: Bi-invariant metrics on diffeomorphism groups
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss various metrics on groups of diffeomorphisms
of smooth manifolds, which do or do not preserve some additional
structure (usually volume or symplectic form). Then I will restrict my
talk to the case of the group G of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of
the 2-disc. This group admits a natural bi-invariant Autonomous metric. I
will show that any finitely generated free abelian group embeds
bi-Lipschitz into the group G. If time permits I will discuss some results
concerning groups of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of surfaces.
This is a joint work with J. Kedra.

26.12.2012, 14:10 (Wednesday) Egor Shelukhin (Université de Montréal)

Quantization of Hamiltonian connections.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Geometric quantization works best for smooth functions on integral
symplectic manifolds.
We generalize this procedure to Hamiltonian
connections on certain Hamiltonian fibrations, 
show a correspondence
principle for their curvatures, and give an application to a variant of

the Hamiltonian K-area associated to such fibrations.
This is joint work with Yasha Savelyev.

2.1.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Iosif Polterovich (Universite de Montreal)

Title: Seeing sounds, hearing shapes and beyond
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Geometric spectral theory has a long and fascinating history. It goes back
to the experiments of Chladni with vibrating plates and to the groundbreaking
work of Rayleigh on the theory of sound, to Weyl's law for the asymptotic
distribution of eigenvalues and to Kac's celebrated question "Can one hear
the shape of a drum?". In my talk, I will discuss some of the old problems and
related recent developments in the field.

2.1.2013, 15:10 (Wednesday)
Anatoly Libgober (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Fundamental groups of the complements to plane curves and
Mordell-Weil groups of isotrivial abelian varieties over function fields
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I'll discuss relation between the Alexander polynomials of fundamental groups
of the complements to plane singular curve and the Mordell Weil rank
of isotrivial abelian varieties, in  particular elliptic curves, over field of
complex rational functions in two variables. Study of this relation leads
to new invariants plane curves singularities, called local Albanese varieties,
encoding Hodge theoretical information about a singular point.
One of the corollaries yields a family of simple Jacobians for which the
Mordell Weil rank can be arbitrary large.

9.1.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Stéphane Nonnenmacher (Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA-Saclay)

Title: Quantum scattering in presence of classical hyperbolicity
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A quantum (or wave) scattering system consists of  waves coming from
infinity, interacting with a "scatterer", and then escaping to infinity or
to a measuring device. At certain wave frequencies the scattering system
"resonates", leading to peaks in the scattering intensity. Mathematically,
resonances can be obtained as the complex poles of the resolvent of the
quantum Hamiltonian. In such an "open" setting, the resonances replace
the discrete spectrum of compact geometries. They are associated with
metastable modes, instead of eigenmode; the imaginary part of the
resonance  is proportional to the (quantum) decay rate of the associated
mode. Interesting geometric examples are given by the case of the
Laplace-Beltrami operator on a Riemannian manifold of infinite volume
("nice" near infinity).

We are interested in the high-frequency distribution of those
resonances, in particular the "long-living" ones, close to the real
axis: how numerous are those resonances? Is there a "resonance gap",
meaning a uniform lower bound for the quantum decay rates?

Those questions naturally lead to consider the corresponding classical
Hamiltonian dynamics, in particular the set of trapped trajectories
("trapped set"). We will review a few situations in which the dynamics
on this trapped set presents some hyperbolicity. In particular, when the
trapped set is a chaotic hyperbolic repeller, we prove show a criterium
(in terms of the classical dynamics) ensuring a resonance gap, and prove
that the density of resonances is bounded above by a "fractal Weyl law".
We will also consider the case where the trapped set is a normally
hyperbolic symplectic submanifold.

These results use various tools from semiclassical analysis, which allow
to "microlocalize" the quantum Hamiltonian in the close vicinity of the
trapped set. At some point we use a form of hyperbolic dispersion estimate,
which combines classical hyperbolicity with the quantum uncertainty principle.

16.1.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Tobias Hartnick (Technion)

Title: An introduction to the random geometry of quasimorphisms
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The notion of a quasimorphism goes back all the way to work of Eudoxus (~400 BC), and has
been frediscovered many times over history, most notably by Poincare in the late 1880s. A first
culmination point in its study appeared in the 1980s in the groundbreaking work of Traubel, Gromov,
Brooks, Ivanov, Grigorchuk and others, which places quasimorphisms in the context of bounded
cohomology. Since then, a huge amount of new examples has been constructed using tools from
geometric group theory, differential geometry, morse theory and dynamics. On the other hand,
the general theory of quasimorphisms has not developed at the same speed as these examples, so
that many basic structural questions on quasimorphisms remain unanswered today.

In this talk we will focus on the random geometry of quasimorphisms, which is the general structure
theory of quasimorphisms on groups in the presence of a probability measure. In this context, we
will discuss harmonicity properties of quasimorphisms ("bounded Hodge theory") as well as their
behavior along trajectories of i.i.d. random walks (central limit theorems, laws of iterated logarithm),
following work of Burger-Monod, Calegari-Fujiwara and Björklund and the speaker. Time permitting
we will discuss various applications due to Malyutin and Calegari-Maher.

No previous exposure to quasimorphisms is required.

23.1.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Danny Calegari (University of Chicago)

Title: Surfaces From Linear Programming
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A famous question of Gromov asks whether every hyperbolic
group contains a subgroup which is isomorphic to the fundamental group of
a closed surface. Surface subgroups play a very important role in many
areas of low-dimensional topology, for example in Agol's recent proof that
every hyperbolic 3-manifold has a finite cover which fibers over the circle. I
would like to describe several ways to build surface subgroups in certain
hyperbolic groups. The role of hyperbolicity is twofold here: first,
hyperbolic  geometry allows one to certify injectivity by *local* data;
second, hyperbolic dynamics allows one to use ergodic theory to
produce the pieces out of which an injective surface can be built. I would
like to sketch a proof  of the fact that the extension of a free group
associated to a ''random'' endomorphism contains a surface subgroup with
probability one. This is  joint work with Alden Walker.

30.1.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Florent Balacheff (Laboratoire Paul Painleve, Universite Lille 1, Lille, France)

Title: From systolic geometry to Mahler's conjecture : an uncertainty principle in the geometry of numbers
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk, we will explain how to derive a generalization of first Minkowski's theorem
for asymmetric convex bodies by carefully analyzing the systolic geometry of asymmetric
Finsler tori. This result can be viewed as an uncertainty principle, and is related to Mahler's
conjecture. This is joined work with Juan-Carlos Álvarez Paiva and Kroum Tzanev.

6.3.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday)  Gabriel Paternain (University of Cambridge)

Title: Spectral rigidity and invariant distributions on Anosov surfaces
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will discuss inverse problems on a closed Riemannian
surface whose geodesic flow is Anosov. More specifically, I will try
to establish spectral rigidity (a problem that has been open for some
time) and surjectivity results for the adjoint of the geodesic ray
transform. These surjectivity results imply the existence of many
geometric distributions in H^{-1} invariant under the geodesic flow
and play a key role to prove spectral rigidity. This is joint work
with Mikko Salo and Gunther Uhlmann.

6.3.2013, 15:10 (Wednesday) Alexander Plakhov (University of Aveiro Portugal and
Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russia)

Title: Invisibility and retro-reflection in billiards
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will discuss inverse problems on a closed Riemannian
surface whose geodesic flow is Anosov. More specifically, I will try
to establish spectral rigidity (a problem that has been open for some
time) and surjectivity results for the adjoint of the geodesic ray
transform. These surjectivity results imply the existence of many
geometric distributions in H^{-1} invariant under the geodesic flow
and play a key role to prove spectral rigidity. This is joint work
with Mikko Salo and Gunther Uhlmann.

12.3.2013, 11:10 (Tuesday) Sergei Tabachnikov (Pennsylvania State University)

Title: Pentagram Map, twenty years after. (Lecture #1)
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Introduced by R. Schwartz about 20 years ago, the pentagram map acts on
plane n-gons, considered up to projective equivalence, by drawing the
diagonals that connect second-nearest vertices and taking the new n-gon formed
by their intersections. The pentagram map is a discrete completely integrable
 system whose continuous limit is the Boussinesq equation, a completely integrable
PDE of soliton type.

I shall survey recent work on generalizations of the pentagram map,
emphasizing its close ties with the theory of cluster algebras, a new and
rapidly developing area with numerous connections to diverse fields of
mathematics. In particular, I shall describe a higher-dimensional version
of the pentagram map and, rather counter-intuitively, its 1-dimensional version.

13.3.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Stefan Nemirovski (Steklov Mathematical Institute)

Title: Spacetimes and Contact Geometry
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Penrose and Low observed that the space of light rays
of a "nice" spacetime carries a natural contact structure.
This leads to a correspondence between notions from the Lorentz
geometry of the spacetime and the contact geometry of its
space of light rays. I will explain this correspondence,
sketch some known results, and pose a few open problems.

13.3.2013, 15:10 (Wednesday) Sergei Tabachnikov (Pennsylvania State University)

Title: Pentagram Map, twenty years after, Lectures #2.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Introduced by R. Schwartz about 20 years ago, the pentagram map acts on
plane n-gons, considered up to projective equivalence, by drawing the
diagonals that connect second-nearest vertices and taking the new n-gon formed
by their intersections. The pentagram map is a discrete completely integrable
 system whose continuous limit is the Boussinesq equation, a completely integrable
PDE of soliton type.

I shall survey recent work on generalizations of the pentagram map,
emphasizing its close ties with the theory of cluster algebras, a new and
rapidly developing area with numerous connections to diverse fields of
mathematics. In particular, I shall describe a higher-dimensional version
of the pentagram map and, rather counter-intuitively, its 1-dimensional version.

20.3.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Peter Ozsváth (Princeton University)

Title: Bordered Heegaard Floer homology
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Bordered Floer homology is an invariant for three-manifolds with boundary,
developed in collaboration with Robert Lipshitz and Dylan Thurston. I will
outline the construction, and describe recent work, some in progress. I
will try to describe how this construction works in the special case where
the three-manifold has torus boundary.

10.4.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Paul Busch (University of York)

Title: On the "Zoo" of Heisenberg Uncertainties, and How to
Measure Incompatible Quantum Observables
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Developing the theme of the introductory lecture "Quantum Uncertainty - in All Its Guises",
I will give a more detailed review of the mathematical modeling of joint measurements of
incompatible quantum observables, using the theory of operator measures on Hilbert spaces.
I will show how the noncommutativity of observables can be overcome as an obstruction to
their joint measurability by allowing for appropriate trade-offs for the relevant measurement
accuracies and the degrees of necessary disturbance caused by the

17.4.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Boris Botvinnik (University of Oregon)

Title: Surgery and the moduli spaces of metrics of positive scalar curvature
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We will review major ideas to study manifolds with
positive scalar curvature metrics by means of surgery, cobordism
theory and conformal geometry. Then we discuss several results
describing the topology of spaces (and moduli spaces) of positive
scalar curvature metrics on simply connected manifolds.

24.4.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Sobhan (Ecole Normale Supérieure)

Title: Rigidity of coisotropic submanifolds and their characteristic foliations
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The Gromov-Eliashberg theorem states that a diffeomorphism which
can be written as a C^0 limit of symplectomorphisms is itself a symplectomorphism. 
In this talk, I will show that coisotropic submanifolds and their characteristic
foliations exhibit similar rigidity properties.  This is joint work with
Vincent Humiliere and Remi Leclercq.

19.5.2013, 11:10 (Sunday) Dmitry Burago (Penn State University)

Title: A Math Mosaic ("Tales from both pockets")
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: This won't be a typical seminar lecture. Instead I'll give a number of mini-talks
on very different topics. The only thing linking the topics together is that they
have all been of interest to me in the past several years. A very important part
of the lecture will be the presentation of open problems. These will be formulated
using only basic material at a level accessible to graduate student.

28.5.2013, 11:10 (Tuesday) Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland)

Title: Kirkwood gaps and instability for three body problems
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: It is well known that, in the Asteroid Belt, located between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the distribution of asteroids has the so-called
Kirkwood gaps exactly
at mean motion resonances of low order.
We study the dynamics of the Newtonian
Sun--Jupiter--Asteroid problem
near such resonances. We construct a variety of diffusing
orbits which
a drastic change of the osculating eccentricity of the asteroid, while
the osculating semimajor axis is kept almost constant. We shall also discuss
stochastic aspects of dynamics in near mean motion dynamics. This might
be an explanation of presence
of Kirkwood gaps.
This is a joint work with J. Fejoz, M. Guardia, P. Roldan

29.5.2013, 14:10
Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland)

Title: Quasiergodic hypothesis and Arnold diffusion in dimension 3
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The famous ergodic hypothesis claims that a typical Hamiltonian
dynamics on a typical energy surface is ergodic. However, KAM theory
disproves this. It establishes a persistent set of positive measure of
invariant KAM tori. The (weaker) quasi-ergodic hypothesis, proposed by
Ehrenfest and Birkho ff, says that a typical Hamiltonian dynamics on
a typical energy surface has a dense orbit. This question is wide open.

In early 60th Arnold constructed an example of instabilities for a nearly
integrable Hamiltonian of dimension n >2 and conjectured that this is
 a generic phenomenon, nowadays, called Arnold di usion. In the last
two decades a variety of powerful techniques to attack this problem
were developed. In particular, Mather discovered a large class of
invariant sets and a delicate variational technique to shadow them.
In a series of preprints: one joint with P. Bernard, K. Zhang and two
with K. Zhang we prove Arnold's conjecture in dimension n= 3.

4.6.2013, 11:10 (Tuesday) Maurice de Gosson  (University of Vienna)

Title: Symplectic Eggs, Quantum Blobs, and Uncertainty
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A symplectic egg is the image of a phase space ball by a linear symplectic
transformation. When the radius of the ball is $\sqrt[\bar h]$ then the symplectic ball
is a "quantum blob", the smallest phase space unit allowed by the quantum
uncertainty principle. The latter is one of the hallmarks of quantum me-
chanics, and is abundantly discussed in both theoretical and experimental
physics. We show that a strong version of the uncertainty principle can be
stated in terms of quantum blobs, using the related notion of symplectic
capacity, which is closed related to Gromov’s symplectic non-squeezing the-
orem. Our approach in principle only requires a knowledge of elementary
linear algebra and of the most basics concepts of quantum mechanics.

5.6.2013, 14:10
Maurice de Gosson  (University of Vienna)

Title: The Wigner Transform and the Uncertainty Principle
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We pursue the discussion of the uncertainty principle of quantum me-
chanics initiated in the first talk. A fundamental mathematical object is
the Wigner transform; it plays a central role in the theory of Weyl pseudo-
differntial operators, to which it is closely related. In this talk we put an
emphasis on its properties of symplectic covariance, which allow us to prove
an analogue of Hardy’s uncertainty principle for Wigner transforms. This
result, which says that a Wigner transform cannot be "too concentrated"
in phase space will expressed in terms of the notion of symplectic capacity
of a certain ellipsoid. We will also show that the notion of quantum blob
introduced in the first talk can be interpreted in terms of the Wigner trans-
forms of Gaussian functions (the "squeezed coherent states" introduced by
Schrödinger, and familiar from quantum optics)

19.6.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Frédéric Bourgeois (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Title: S^1-equivariant symplectic homology and linearized contact homology
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We define an S^1-equivariant version of symplectic homology via
various equivalent approaches. We show that, over rational coefficients,
S^1-equivariant symplectic homology is isomorphic to linearized contact
homology. This is a joint work with Alexandru Oancea.

Organized by Misha Bialy, Lev Buhovsky, Yaron Ostrover, and Leonid Polterovich