Geometry & Dynamics Seminar 2013-14

The usual place and time are Tel Aviv University's Schreiber Building room 209, on Wednesdays at 14:10.

Please check each announcement since this is sometimes changed.


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16.10.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Orientation meeting for students

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

20.10.2013, 11:10 (Sunday)
Lenya Ryzhik (Stanford University)

Title: A wave and a particle in random media with slowly decaying correlations
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Most of the classical results on the evolution of waves and particles in random
media focus on the regime when the random medium has rapidly decaying
correlations, the canonical example being a random potential on a lattice with i.i.d.
values at the vertices. A typical result in such setting is a central limit theorem for some
physical observable (particle position, momentum etc.) arising at a universal time scale
$T=\eps^{-2}$ where $\eps$ is the (small) amplitude of the fluctuation of
the medium parameters. It turns out that when the medium fluctuations are
far from i.i.d and have correlations that decay only algebraically in time and space, the picture
is much richer - each observable picks its own time scale to get randomized  - the unity is lost and the
orchestra plays out of sync. Time permitting,  I will illustrate this on the example of particles
in random velocity fields, random Hamiltonians and  the Schroedinger equation. These results
were obtained jointly with G.Bal, T. Komorowski, A. Novikov and S. Olla in various combinations.

23.10.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Shiri Artstein-Avidan (Tel-Aviv University)

Title: On symplectic isoperimetry, billiards, and Mahler's conjecture
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We shall show how an isoperimetric conjecture regarding capacities of
convex sets (called Viterbo's conjecture) implies the well known Mahler
conjecture from convexity, regarding the minimizers, among symmetric convex
bodies, of the volume product of a body and its polar. The connection uses
some new results on billiard dynamics, which we shall explain as well.
Based of joint work with Yaron Ostrover and with Roman Karasev.

28.10.2013, 16:10 (Monday)
Anton Izosimov (Moscow State University)

Title: Algebraic geometry and stability for integrable systems
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In 1970s, a method was developed for integration of nonlinear equations by
means of algebraic geometry.
Starting from a Lax representation with spectral
parameter, the algebro-geometric method allows to solve
the system explicitly
in terms of Theta functions of Riemann surfaces. However, the explicit formulas

obtained in this way are of little or no use for solving such natural topological
problems as the problem
of Lyapunov stability. The goal of the talk is to demonstrate
that these kind of problems can also be
approached by means of classical algebraic
geometry, and that this approach is very natural and fruitful.
In particular, the stability
problem for relative equilibria of the  free multidimensional rigid body will be considered.

30.10.2013, 15:10 (Wednesday)
Shimon Brooks (Bar Ilan University)

Title: Quasimodes that do not Equidistribute
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The QUE Conjecture of Rudnick-Sarnak asserts that eigenfunctions of the
Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds of negative curvature should equidistribute
in the large eigenvalue limit.  For a number of reasons, it is expected that this
property may be related to the (conjectured) small multiplicities in the spectrum.  
One way to study this relationship is to ask about equidistribution for "quasimodes"---
or approximate eigenfunctions--- in place of highly-degenerate eigenspaces.  
We will discuss the case of surfaces of constant negative curvature; in particular,
we will explain how to construct examples of sufficiently weak quasimodes that
do not satisfy QUE, and show how they fit into the larger theory.

6.11.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Stepan Orevkov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics)

Title: Algorithmic recognition of quasipositive braids of algebraic length two
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A braid is called quasipositive if it is a product of standard generators
of the braid group. We give an algorithm which decide if a given
braid is a product of two conjugates of standard generators.
The algorithm is based on the Garside theory which was developped for
a solution of the conjugayc problem in the braid groups. We also give in
the talk a short introduction to this theory.

20.11.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yochay Jerby (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Exceptional collections and monodromies of Landau-Ginzburg equations.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Consider the collection of line bundles O,O(1),...,O(n) on n-dimensional
complex projective space and let A be the endomorphism ring of its
direct sum. A seminal result of Beilinson states that the bounded derived
category of coherent sheaves on P^n is equivalent to the bounded derived
category of right modules over A.

Projective space is the "simplest" example of a toric manifold (it is the only
toric manifold whose Picard group Pic(X) is of rank=1). A fundamental question
asks which toric manifolds admit "exceptional" collections of line bundles,
generalizing Beilinson's example? This question proves to be to algebraically hard,
and is currently open. Recently, examples of toric manifolds which do not admit
(full strongly) exceptional collections of line bundles were found by Hille & Perling
and by Efimov, disproving previous conjectures on the subject.

In this talk we would take a "mirror approach" to the question. We consider toric
Fano manifolds. For such manifolds the theory of quantum cohomology associates
a system of algebraic equations, known as the Landau-Ginzburg system of X
(first introduced by V. Batyrev). We show that in low dimensions (two and three) t
here exist striking relations between the solution set of the LG-system (denoted Crit(X))
and known examples of exceptional collections in Pic(X). For the considered examples
we shall (a) show the existence of a map L: Crit(X) ---->Pic(X) whose image is an
exceptional collection (b) show that, under the map L, monodromies of the
Landau-Ginzburg system are related to quiver representations of the corresponding
collection. These relations lead to postulate on the general, higher dimensional, case.

27.11.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Lev Buhovski (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Variations on Gromov-Eliashberg theorem
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will speak about flexibility and rigidity of symplectic homeomorphisms on smooth
submanifolds. This subject arose from the celebrated Gromov-Eliashberg theorem,
from the work by Opshtein on C^0 rigidity of characteristic foliation on smooth
hypersurfaces, and from the work of Humiliere, Leclercq and Seyfaddini on C^0
coisotropic rigidity. Based on a joint work with Opshtein.

4.12.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Oren Ben-Bassat

Title: Shifted Symplectic Geometry
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will give a leisurely introduction to the shifted symplectic geometry of
Pantev, Toen, Vaquie and Vezzosi. This material can be found at:

I will emphasize shifted symplectic structures on moduli of bundles on
Calabi-Yau spaces and will also discuss how to produce Lagrangians in these
spaces. I will briefly discuss a new example from

I will also discuss my joint work with Brav, Bussi and Joyce on canonical
perverse sheaves on derived moduli stacks of vector bundles.

I will not assume much knowledge of algebraic geometry, stacks, and derived

11.12.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) NO SEMINAR THIS WEEK!

18.12.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yael Karshon (University of Toronto)

Title: Distinguishing symplectic blowups of the complex projective plane
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A symplectic manifold that is obtained from CP^2 by k blowups
is encoded by k+1 parameters: the size of the initial CP^2
and the sizes of the blowups.  We determine which values
of these parameters yield symplectomorphic manifolds.
This is joint work with Liat Kessler and Martin Pinsonnault.

25.12.2013, 14:10 (Wednesday) Albert Fathi (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Title: Lyapunov forms
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Pursuing a work that was done with Pierre Pageault on Lyapunov functions
for a dynamical system, we study the problem of existence of closed 1-forms
for example for flows whose integral along orbits is non-positive, thus generalizing
some work of Schwartzman--compare also with the work of Farber, Kappeler,
Latschev,  and Zehnder. We will in fact consider not necessarily smooth closed
1-forms, but will also consider "forms" whose local primitives are merely continuous
or Lipschitz functions.

31.12.2013, 11:10 (Tuesday)
Regina Rotman (University of Toronto)

Title: Geometry of 2-dimensional spheres
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will discuss some geometric inequalities that
are valid for Riemannian manifolds diffeomorphic to the
sphere of dimension 2.

For example, consider the following basic question:
Suppose a simple closed curve $\gamma$ on a Riemannian
sphere M of diameter D can be contracted to a point
in M over simple closed curves of length at most L.
Is there a homotopy over loops based at some point of $\gamma$
that are not too long compared to L and D? The answer to this
question is positive. (Joint with G. Chambers.)

I will also prove that for any positive k and any two points of M
there exist at least k geodesics connecting them
of length at most 22kD. (Joint with A. Nabutovsky.)

8.1.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Luis Haug (ETH)

Title: Quantum homology of real Lagrangians in toric manifolds
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Consider a Fano toric symplectic manifold X, and let R be its real
Lagrangian (the fixed point set under complex conjugation). We will
explain the computation of the Lagrangian quantum homology ring QH(R) of
R, and how it is related to the quantum homology ring QH(X) of the
ambient symplectic manifold.

14.1.2014, 11:10 (Tuesday)
Luis Haug (ETH)

Title: The Lagrangian cobordism group of the 2-torus
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 210, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The derived Fukaya category DFuk(M) of a symplectic manifold M is a
triangulated category whose objects are the Lagrangian submanifolds in
M. Recent work of Biran--Cornea provides a way of understanding cone
decomposition in DFuk(M) via Lagrangian cobordisms. One consequence of
their work is the existence of a canonical homomorphism from a naturally
defined Lagrangian cobordism group \Omega_Lag(M) to the Grothendieck
group K(DFuk(M)) of DFuk(M). We will prove that this map is an
isomorphism when M is the standard symplectic 2-torus, using homological
mirror symmetry.

15.1.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Jake Solomon (Hebrew University)

Title: Mirror symmetry and continuous symmetries
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Mirror symmetry is a duality between complex geometry on one manifold and symplectic
geometry on another. I will discuss the symplectic mirror of a holomorphic C^* action on a
complex manifold. The structure that arises is formulated in the language of symplectic
cohomology and Lagrangian Floer cohomology. One byproduct is a deformation of the
classical intersection number. The talk will not assume familiarity with mirror symmetry.
This is joint work with P. Seidel.

19.02.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday)
Dmitry Turaev (Imperial College, London)

Title: Fermi acceleration in time-dependent Hamiltonian systems
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We discuss a novel theory of the evolution of energy in billiards with slowly moving
boundaries, based on the Anosov-Kasuga theory of adiabatic invariants. We propose
a stochastic description for the energy evolution, and demonstrate that the ergodicity
of the billiard impedes the energy transfer from the moving boundary to the particle
inside the billiard. We describe recent examples of time-dependent billiards for which
a controlled violation of ergodicity leads to an exponential energy growth, i.e. to the
effective energy transfer which is much more effective than in the ergodic case.
We argue that the effect is of a fairly general nature: the periodic violation of ergodicity
must be the key mechanism behind the energy flow from slow to fast degrees of freedom
in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems with chaotic behaviour in the fast variables.


26.02.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Misha Bialy (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Invisibility for smooth Riemannian metrics
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk we give a construction of a smooth Riemannian
metric on $\mathbf{R}^n$ which is standard Euclidean outside a
compact set $K$ and such that it has $N={n(n+1)}/{2}$ invisible
directions, meaning that all geodesics lines passing through the
set $K$ in these directions remain the same straight lines on exit.
For example in the plane our construction gives three invisible directions.
This is in contrast with billiard type obstacles where a very
sophisticated example due to A.Plakhov and V.Roshchina gives $2$
invisible directions in the plane and $3$ in the space.

04.03.2014, 11:10 (Tuesday)

Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Morse polynomials and Galois theory
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I plan to describe the connection between univariate Morse polynomials
and Galois theory.
I will focus on the proof of the following theorem:
Thm: Let x |--> f(x) be a polynomial map from the Riemann sphere to itself of degree n=deg f.
Assume that f(x) is Morse (in the  sense that the critical points are non-degenerate and the
critical values are distinct),
then the monodromy group is the full symmetric group.
The proof involves some geometry and some finite group theory.

05.03.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Marcel Guardia (Université Paris 7)

Title: Nearly integrable systems with orbits accumulating to KAM tori
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The quasi-ergodic hypothesis, proposed by Ehrenfest and Birkhoff, says that a typical
Hamiltonian system of n degrees of freedom on a typical energy surface has a dense orbit.

This question is wide open. In this talk I will explain a recent result by V. Kaloshin and
myself which can be seen as a weak form of the quasi-ergodic hypothesis. We prove that a
dense set of perturbations of integrable Hamiltonian systems of two and a half degrees of
freedom  possess orbits which accumulate in sets of positive measure. In particular, they
accumulate in prescribed sets of KAM tori.

12.03.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Laurent Charles (Universite de Paris VI)

Title: Berezin-Toeplitz operators
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In semi-classical analysis, Berezin-Toeplitz (BT) operators are similar to differential
operators except that the underlying phase space is a Kähler compact manifold instead
of a cotangent space. In this talk, I will review the basic properties of BT operators
and the relationship with Kostant-Souriau prequantization. I will also present a
"quantization commutes with reduction" theorem for BT operator. My motivating
example will be the quantization of action coordinates in moduli spaces of polygons.

18.03.2014, 11:10 (Tuesday)

Laurent Charles (Universite de Paris VI)

Title: Lagrangian states in Kähler quantization.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Lagrangian states are quantum states which concentrates in a particular way on a
Lagrangian manifold.
In this talk I will present their main characteristics and give
applications to the spectral analysis of
Berezin-Toeplitz operators and to the
asymptotics of 6j-symbols.

19.03.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Alexander Plakhov (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Title: Problems of optimal aerodynamic resistance and the Monge-Kantorovich problem
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A rigid body moves in a rarefied medium of resting particles and at the same time very
slowly rotates (somersaults). Each particle of the medium is reflected elastically when
hitting the body boundary (multiple reflections are possible). The resulting resistance
force acting on the body is time-dependent; we consider thetime-averaged value of
resistance. The problem is: given a convex body, find a roughening of its surface that
minimizes or maximizes its resistance. (The problem includes mathematical definition
of roughening.) This problem is solved using the methods of billiard theory and optimal
mass transportation. Surprisingly, the minimum and maximum depend only on the
dimension of the ambient Euclidean space and do not depend on the original body.
In particular, the resistance of a 3-dimensional convex body can be decreased by
(approx.) 3.05% at most and can be increased at most twice by roughening.

19.03.2014, 15:10 (Wednesday) Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University)

Title: Dynamics of dissipative polynomial automorphisms of C^2
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Two-dimensional complex dynamics is a recent area of research that has some
similarities with the classical one-dimensional theory but also exhibits essentially
new phenomena that require new analytic and dynamical tools. We will discuss
recent advances in this field for moderately dissipative polynomial automorphisms
of C^2. They include, in particular, a nearly complete description of the dynamics
on periodic Fatou components and exploration of the bifurcation locus in holomorphic
families of maps in question. Based on the joint work with Han Peters and Romain Dujardin.

23.04.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Barak Weiss (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Introduction to dynamics on moduli spaces of translation surfaces I.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The moduli space of translation surfaces arises naturally in several mathematical
contexts: the study of billiards on rational polygons, complex analysis, asymptotic
geometry of the mapping class group, and more. There is a natural SL(2,R) action
on this space and in recent years a lot of effort has been invested in studying the
dynamical properties of this action, both for its intrinsic interest and in view of
applications to the topics above. In this sequence of two talks I will begin by
defining the space and the action, and stating the main results about the dynamics.
Then I will survey some applications to billiards in polygons.

30.04.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Barak Weiss (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Introduction to dynamics on moduli spaces of translation surfaces II.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The moduli space of translation surfaces arises naturally in several mathematical
contexts: the study of billiards on rational polygons, complex analysis, asymptotic
geometry of the mapping class group, and more. There is a natural SL(2,R) action
on this space and in recent years a lot of effort has been invested in studying the
dynamical properties of this action, both for its intrinsic interest and in view of
applications to the topics above. In this sequence of two talks I will begin by
defining the space and the action, and stating the main results about the dynamics.
Then I will survey some applications to billiards in polygons.

07.05.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Andrey E. Mironov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)

Title: Commuting higher rank ordinary differential operators
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We survey the theory of commuting ordinary differential operators.
Some advances in the case of higher rank operators are discussed.
Sufficient conditions are found when rank two operators are formally
self-adjoint. We also point out examples of formally self-adjoint
operators with polynomial coefficients, corresponding to a spectral
curve of arbitrary genus. These operators define commutative
subalgebra of the first Weyl algebra.

13.05.2014, 14:10 (Tuesday)



Alejandro Uribe (University of Michigan)

Title: The semiclassical limit in Bargmann space
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Bargmann space is a Hilbert space of holomorphic functions on C^n which
can be used to formulate the quantum mechanics of a particle in R^n. In this
talk I will show how Bargmann space is particularly well-suited to semiclassical
analysis, which is the study of the asymptotics of quantum objects as Planck's
constant tends to zero. I will emphasize the role played by coherent states and
Lagrangian submanifolds, and discuss how approximating the quantum propagator
in Bargmann space leads to extensions of the semiclassical trace formula.

14.05.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Alejandro Uribe (University of Michigan)

Title: The exponential map of the complexification of the group of hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Donaldson has defined an object (a "formal Lie group") that behaves as the complexification
of the group of hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of a Kähler manifold. Although not a group,
it has a natural notion of exponential map. In this talk I will discuss geometric and analytic
constructions of this map, in the real-analytic case.  I will discuss examples and applications
(both current and potential) to geometry, geometric quantization, and the Toda PDE.

21.05.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Nicolai Reshetikhin (UC Berkeley) (Blumenthal Lecture in Geometry)


Title: Ice and 6-vertex models in statistical mechanics: mathematical perspective.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The talk will start with a historical overview of how the model appeared
in statistical mechanics. This will be followed by an overview of some related
combinatorial problems. After this the focus will shift to the "exact solution"
of the model with periodic boundary conditions followed by the discussion of
algebraic structures involved in the exact solution (quantum groups with braiding).
Then there will be a brief discussion of other boundary conditions and of limit
shape phenomenon. If time permit, we will see how the ASEP (asymmetric Exclusion
Process) fits into the picture.

28.05.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Stephen Kleene (M.I.T)

Title: Singular Perturbation for Mean Curvature Type Equations.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will discuss my recent work with  Niels Martin Moller and Nicos Kapouleas in
which we applied singular perturbation techniques to construct the first examples
of complete embedded self shrinkers  with high topology. The techniques are quite
general and somewhat ad hoc, and (time permitting ) I will discuss our current
work in formalizing and understanding the limits of the process.

11.06.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Francois Lalonde (Universite de Montreal)

Title: On the genus g-area in symplectic topology
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The genus g-area measures a sort of geometric norm associated to each Hamiltonian diffeomophism
of a symplectic manifold. It is obtained by attaching g handles on the disc that constitutes the base of a
"cylinder" that measures the geometric Hofer norm -- when g = 0, this boils down to the geometric
Hofer norm of Lalonde-McDuff. In this talk, we introduce the relevant definitions and prove the main
theorem concerning this norm, that is to say that it measures exactly the distance, in Hofer's norm,
between a given Hamiltonian diffeomorphism and the space of all Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of
commutator length smaller or equal to $g$. While some of the conjectures on this question were
formulated by the speaker in 2004, and half of them were proved with Andrei Teleman in 2012, the
last and most important step was settled in joint work with Egor Shelukhin whose contribution
was fundamental.

Organized by Misha Bialy, Lev Buhovsky, Yaron Ostrover, and Leonid Polterovich