Geometry & Dynamics Seminar 2014-15

The usual place and time are Tel Aviv University's Schreiber Building room 209, on Wednesdays at 14:10.

Please check each announcement since this is sometimes changed.


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29.10.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Orientation meeting for students

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

5.11.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday)
Emmanuel Opshtein (Université de Strasbourg)

Title: h-principle vs quantitative h-principle in symplectic geometry, with applications.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The main subject of this talk is C^0 symplectic geometry, defined as the geometry
of symplectic homeomorphisms : the homeomorphisms which are C^0 limits of
symplectic diffeomorphisms.

I will review some standard but fundamental "h-principle statements" in symplectic
geometry (the easiest of which may be that any two symplectic discs of the same area
are symplectic isotopic), and introduce a finer notion, called quantitative h-principle.
I will then explain some applications of this notion to C^0 symplectic geometry: classical
symplectic invariants associated to submanifolds of low symplectic codimension are also
 C^0-invariants, while these invariants are destroyed by symplectic homeomorphisms
in high codimension.  This is a joint work with Lev Buhvoski.

12.11.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Cedric Membrez (TAU)

Title: The Lagrangian cubic equation
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: This is joint work with Paul Biran. Let M be a closed symplectic manifold and
L a Lagrangian submanifold. Denote by [L] the homology class induced by L viewed
as a class in the quantum homology of M. This talk is concerned with properties
and identities involving the class [L] in the quantum homology ring. We also study
the relations between these identities and invariants of L coming from Lagrangian
Floer theory. We pay special attention to the case when L is a Lagrangian sphere.

26.11.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Mira Shamis (Weizmann Institute)

Title: The standard map, and discrete Schroedinger operators
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The standard map is a measure-preserving map of the torus; the
dynamics generated by it is the subject of numerous conjectures.
One of the approaches to the standard map leads to the study of a certain
Schroedinger operator. I will start with a brief introduction to discrete
Schroedinger operators, and present two results: one pertaining to a
general class of discrete Schroedinger operators, and another one --
pertaining to the operator arising from the standard map. Time permitting,
I will explain some of the elements of the proof. [Based on joint work
with T. Spencer]

3.12.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Henri Berestycki (Ecoles des hautes études en sciences sociales)  MINT Distinguished Lecture

Title: The effect of domain shape on propagation and blocking for reaction-diffusion equations
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will discuss reaction-diffusion equations motivated by biology and medicine
for which the aim is to understand the effect of the shape of the domain on
propagation or on blocking of advancing waves.

I will first describe the motivations of these questions. I will then discuss
various geometric conditions that lead to either blocking, or partial propagation,
or complete propagation. These questions involve qualitative results for some
non-linear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations.

10.12.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yohann Le Floch

Title: Berezin-Toeplitz operators on surfaces
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Berezin-Toeplitz operators appear when studying the semiclassical limit
of geometric quantization for compact Kähler manifolds. The aim of this
talk will be to explain these terms: I will first define what is meant by
"quantization", and I will then introduce geometric quantization and
Berezin-Toeplitz operators, emphasizing on the case of surfaces. I will also
give several examples. If time permits, I will present some results about
the spectral theory of Berezin-Toeplitz operators on surfaces.

17.12.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Iosif Polterovich (Université de Montréal)

Title: Billiards with a large Weyl remainder
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The classical Hardy-Landau lower bound for the error term in the Gauss
circle problem can be viewed as an estimate from below for the remainder in
Weyl's law for the eigenvalue counting function on a torus. In the talk we 
will present  an analogous estimate for certain  planar domains admitting an
appropriate one-parameter family of periodic billiard trajectories. Examples
include ellipses and smooth domains of constant width. In higher dimensions,
lower bounds  on the remainder in Weyl's law are of somewhat different  nature,
and they will be discussed as well.
The talk  is based on a joint work with S. Eswarathasan and J. Toth.

24.12.2014, 14:10 (Wednesday) Albert Fathi (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Title: Mather Duality for non-coercive Hamiltonian convex in the momentum
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: See here

7.1.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Alexander Caviedes (TAU)

Title: The Gromov width of coadjoint orbits and curve neighborhoods

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I will show how to estimate upper bounds for the Gromov width of 
coadjoint orbits of compact Lie groups by computing certain Gromov-Witten
invariants in terms of curve neighborhoods. Curve neighorhoods are unions of
rational curves of fixed degree passing through subsets of the coadjoint orbit.

If there is some time left, I will explain how lower bounds for the Gromov width
can be estimated by constructing embeddings of symplectic balls in the coadjoint
orbit by looking at the Gelfand-Zetlin integrable system defined on it

14.1.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Alex Furman (University of Illinois at Chicago) MINT Distinguished Lecture

Title: Simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum via boundary theory
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Consider products of matrices that are chosen using some ergodic stationary
random process on $G=SL(d,R)$, e.g. a random walk on $G$. The Multiplicative
Ergodic Theorem (Oseledets) asserts that asymptotically such products behave as
$\exp(n\Lambda)$ where $\Lambda$ is a fixed diagonal traceless matrix, called
the Lyapunov spectrum of the system. The spectrum $\Lambda$ depends on the
system in a mysterious way, and is almost never known explicitly. The best
understood case is that of random walks, where by the work of Furstenberg,
Guivarch-Raugi, and Gol’dsheid-Margulis we know that the spectrum is simple
(i.e. all values are distinct) provided the random walk is not trapped in a proper
algebraic subgroup. Recently, Avila and Viana proved a conjecture of
Kontsevich-Zorich that asserts simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum for
another system related to Teichmuller flow.

In the talk we shall describe an approach to proving simplicity of the spectrum
based on ideas from boundary theory that were developed to prove rigidity of lattices.

Based on joint work with Uri Bader.

21.1.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Egor Shelukhin (CRM, University of Montreal)

Title: The contact Hofer norm

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 007, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: It is a well-known theorem of Hofer and Lalonde-McDuff that the uniform norm
of normalized Hamiltonians gives a bi-invariant non-degenerate metric on the group
of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms: the Hofer metric. In this talk we show that the
analogous construction in contact topology still gives a non-degenerate metric on the
(identity component of) the group of contactomorphisms, which, however, is not
bi-invariant. We discuss certain properties and applications of this metric, including
the construction of two new bi-invariant metrics on the group of Hamiltonian
diffeomorphisms of integral symplectic manifolds.

15.3.2015, 14:10 (Sunday) (NOTE SPECIAL DATE & LOCATION)
Franziska Schroeter (TAU)

Title: The zoo of curve multiplicities in tropical enumerative geometry

Location: Shenkar - Physics, 104, Tel-Aviv University (NOTE SPECIAL LOCATION)

Abstract: One advantageous facet of tropical geometry is the ability to tackle enumerative
problems from complex and real algebraic geometry by combinatorial
means. For example, if we are interested in one particular enumerative problem
of curves satisfying point conditions, there is a related tropical enumerative
problem. We can assign a combinatorial multiplicity to each tropical curve we
consider for it, which encodes how we can transfer precisely results for the tropical
enumerative problem to the corresponding algebraic one. But there are
also tropical enumerative problems having no known counterpart in algebraic

My talk gives an overview about different enumerative problems at the
tropical-algebraic interface studied in the last couple of years and outlines recent
research in this direction. No prior knowledge of tropical geometry is required.

18.3.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour (CNRS and Hebrew University)

Title: About Symplectic Diffeology

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION)

Abstract: Symplectic Diffeology is an extension of symplectic geometry to the category
of diffeological spaces. That includes spaces of infinite dimension, or spaces
that are usually regarded as singular; for example: spaces of functions or
products of irrational tori. I will discuss what can mean for a parasymplectic
form (i.e. a generic a closed 2-form) to be presymplectic or symplectic, in the
context of diffeology. I will give a few examples for each case and also, if I have
time, an example of singular (para)symplectic reduction in infinite dimension
in this framework.

25.3.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Światosław R. Gal (University of Wroclaw / Technion)

Title: Bounded simplicity of groups acting on one-dimensional spaces.
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 209, Tel-Aviv University (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION)

Abstract: A groups $G$ is simple if, for any elements $f,g\in G$
with $g\neq 1$, $f$ is a product of finitely many conjugates of $g$.
If this finite  number is bounded by $N$ (independently on $f$ and $g$)
we call $G$ $N$-boundedly simple.

We will show that many groups (known to be simple) acting on a line
or a circle, such as various Thompson, Higmann-Thompson, or Neretin
groups, are $N$-boundedly simple with explicit bound for $N$.

The talk would be self-contained including independent proofs of
simplicity of those groups.

All those groups would be treated dynamically, ie. defined by their
action not referring to their presentation.

Presented results are a joint work with Kuba Gismatullin from

15.4.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Grigori Olshanski (IITP and Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

Title: What are infinite random permutations
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University 

Abstract: TRandom permutations can be viewed as a combinatorial analog of random matrices.
In random matrix theory, people study the asymptotic behavior of spectra of large
random matrices. Likewise, the literature in combinatorial probability contains many
works on the limiting behavior of various characteristics of random permutations of
large size. But are there reasonable models of random permutations of actually
infinite size? I will describe some positive results in this direction.

29.4.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Michael Entov (Technion)

Title: Full symplectic packing for tori
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: The symplectic packing problem is one of the major problems
of symplectic topology - it concerns packing symplectic manifolds by
symplectically embedded shapes (e.g. balls, polydisks etc.) and, in
particular, finding the maximal fraction of the total volume of a
symplectic manifold that can be filled out by the shapes. In this talk
I will discuss why an even-dimensional torus T equipped with an
arbitrary linear symplectic form admits a full symplectic packing by
any number of balls - that is, any finite collection of disjoint
standard symplectic balls admits a symplectic embedding to T, as long
as their total volume is less than the volume of T. The proof uses a number
of powerful rigidity results from complex geometry. The full symplectic
packing of the torus T by balls can be used to prove the full symplectic packing of
T by any number of equal polydisks (or any number of equal cubes), provided
the cohomology class of the linear symplectic form on T is not proportional
to a rational one. The proof of the latter corollary is based on Ratner's orbit
closure theorem. This is a joint work with M.Verbitsky.

06.5.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Misha Bialy (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Effective bounds in E.Hopf rigidity for billiards and geodesic flows
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I will show that in some cases the E.Hopf rigidity
phenomenon allows quantitative interpretation.  More precisely, we
estimate from above the measure of the set $\mathcal{M}$ swept by
minimal orbits. These estimates are sharp, i.e. if $\mathcal{M}$
occupies the whole phase space we recover the E.Hopf rigidity. We
give these estimates in two cases: the first is the case of convex
billiards in the plane, sphere or hyperbolic plane. The second is
the case of conformally flat Riemannian metrics on a torus. It seems
to be a challenging question to understand such a quantitative
bound for Burago-Ivanov theorem.

13.5.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) NO SEMINAR THIS WEEK

17.5.2015 - 26.5.2015 Computational Symplectic Topology Workshop

27.5.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Alexander Caviedes Castro (Tel Aviv University)

Title: Calabi Quasimorphisms for monotone coadjoint orbits
Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how the existence of Calabi quasimorphisms on the universal
covering of the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of a monotone coadjoint orbit
of a compact Lie group follows from positivity results of Gromov-Witten invariants

2.6.2015, 14:10 (Tuesday) (NOTE SPECIAL DATE & LOCATION) Frol Zapolsky (Haifa University)

Title: Spectral invariants for monotone Lagrangian submanifolds

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 08 Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will outline a generalization of the definition of spectral invariants to the
case of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds. As a sample application of the
theory I will prove a rigidity result concerning the exotic monotone tori in
CP^2 and in CP^1 \times CP^1. The talk is based on joint work with Remi Leclercq.

3.6.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Yurii Neretin (University of Vienna)

Title: Infinite symmetric group and bordisms of two-dimensional triangulated surfaces.

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: We start from unitary representations of product $G$ of 3 copies of
infinite symmetric group and produce the following constructions in the
spirit of 'topological field theory'. There is a category, whose morphisms
are triangulated checker-wise colored compact two-dimensional surfaces
with boundary. Product of morphisms is a gluing similar to product of
bordisms. We show that unitary representations of $G$ produce functors from this
category to category of Hilbert spaces and bounded operators.

21.6.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) Pat Hooper (City College of NY)

Title: Classical and non-classical translation surfaces, renormalization, and
invariant measures

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: A translation surface is a surface locally modeled on the plane with
transition functions given by translations and with cone singularities.
Such a surface admits natural flows called the straight-line flow, which
moves each point in a specific direction at unit speed. I will explain that
there is an action of SL(2,R) on spaces of translation surfaces which
renormalizes the straight-line flow. By work of Masur and others, it is
known that the SL(2,R) action can be used to understand the invariant
measures of the straight-line flow. This philosophy is unexpectedly robust.
After explaining the classical case, I will explain how it works for some
infinite genus translation surfaces. In particular, will explain how it
works for some spaces of finite covers of infinite genus translation
surfaces. This work is joint with Rodrigo Treviño.

17.6.2015, 14:10 (Wednesday) (Blumenthal Lecture in Geometry)
Richard Evan Schwartz (Brown University)

Title: The plaid model

Location: Schreiber bldg., room 309, Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: I will introduce a construction which produces
embedded lattice polygons in the plane.  The model
is highly structured and has both a combinatorial
and number-theoretic feel to it. I call the model
the plaid model because one of its descriptions
is in terms of grids of parallel lines.  The plaid
model exhibits a hierarchical multi-scale kind of
structure.  It is closely related to outer billiards
on kites, and also seems similar in spirit to Pat
Hooper's Truchet tile system.  Mainly I will show
off the model with computer demos and explain what
theory about it I have worked out so far.

21.6.2015, 14:10 (Sunday) (NOTE SPECIAL DATE & LOCATION) Netanel Blaier (MIT)

Title: A symplectic analogue of the Johnson homomorphism coming from quantum Massey products

Location: Holzblat auditorium 007,  Tel-Aviv University

Abstract: Mathematicians often try to study an object by considering its group of automorphisms.
Therefore, it only seems natural that given a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$, we would
like to understand $\pi_0 Symp(M,\omega)$. To make the problem nontrivial, we focus on
 those isotopy classes which act trivially on cohomology. When $M = \Sigma_g$ is a surface,
 the group of such symplectomorphism is well known to low-dimensional topologists: it is
the Torelli group, an important but poorly understood subgroup with many interesting
 connections to other areas of mathematics. In the early 1980's, Dennis Johnson revolutionized
the study of this group by introducing a sequence of homomorphisms $\tau_k$ detecting
delicate intersection-theoretic information.

We show that the definition of the Johnson homomorphisms can be recast in terms of the
Morse $A_\infty$-algebra on the mapping tori $M_\phi$, and then extended to higher
dimensional symplectic manifolds using quantum Massey products. As a sample application,
we construct an $S^1$-family of embedded surfaces $C \subset \mathbb{P}^3$ whose
monodromy is a seperating Dehn twist. Forming a (parametrized, small energy) blowup
of the mapping tori, we obtain a six-dimensional symplectic manifold $M = Bl_C \mathbb{P}^3$,
and a symplectomorphism $\phi : M \to M$. We then use the quantum Johnson homomorphism
to show that $\phi$ is an "exotic" symplectomorphism.

Organized by Misha Bialy, Lev Buhovsky, Yaron Ostrover, and Leonid Polterovich