Modes of using the Web for Teaching

Yoav Benjamini

Department of Statistics and OR
School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University

The Different Modes

Advantages for using the Web as Content Provider and Presentation Tool:

  • A well prepared and thoroughly thought through lecture is ready for class
  • Students can print the lecture before hand, even at home, and have it at hand in class.
    Enables students to think more during class.
    Very effective when using many Figures and Displays in class.
  • You can present the material from the Web in class. But...

Advantages for using the Web as a teaching support tool:

General Tips and Problems:

Summary of my opinion:

  • Using the Web as Content provider is too low in (effectiveness/effort) and riddled with technical problems
    (at least at our university)
  • Using the course homepage as a teaching support tool is highly recommended
    It does not have to be pretty to be effective

Last update: June 4, 2001