Warp-guided Object-space Morphing

Eyal Carmel and Daniel Cohen-Or

Computer Science Department, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv 69978, Israel


Given two arbitrary, genus-0 objects we present an algorithm which builds a correspondence between the objects, and generates a sequence of inbetween objects representing the morphing process. We use a warp function to deform the source object and align its prominent features with those of the target object.

An iterative polygon evolution algorithm is used to blur the details of the warped source object and the target object into two convex objects with similar shapes. The convex shapes are projected to two identical circles. Merging the topologies of the projected objects, and reconstructing the original objects with the merged topologies results in two objects with identical topologies.

The morph sequence is produced by using a two-part transformation. The rigid part moves and rotates the objects to their relative positions. Then the elastic part is used to establish the position of each of the vertices forming the inbetween object.

An updated version of the paper

Warp-guided Object-space Morphing(ps.gz)

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E-mail: carmele@inter.net.il