Exam number 1: There are four questions, 25 points per question. Give a brief and clear answer. 1. Assume a graphics board with 8 bit per pixel and a color lookup table. Given an image with 24 bits per pixel, how can one display the image with a reasonable visual quality? Describe in few words what is the process of choosing the best colors for the lookup table and how to set the pixel colors in the displayed image. 2. In the Mid-point line algorithm the update of the decision variable requires one addition in each incremental step. Why drawing a circle requires two additions? Can it be done with only one? 3. Define the following terms in two sentences each: (a) dithering (b) rigid transformation (Also give an example such transformation) (c) affine transformation (Also give an example such transformation) (d) oblique projection (e) specular reflection (f) ambient light (g) smooth shading (h) z-buffer (i) image-space algorithm (j) fixed-point (in the context of geometric transformations) 4. Given two rectangular windows, which may overlap. Given a line segment, we need to clip the line against the overlapping rectangle. How the Cyrus-Beck (parametric) line-clipping algorithm can be extended to deal with the above problem? Note that the two windows might not intersect at all.