Hilbert's irreducibility theorem asserts: if f is a polynomial in two variables X,Y with integral coefficients that is irreducible and of degree at least 1 in Y, then there exists an irreducible specialization, i.e. a rational number a such that f(a,Y) is irreducible. A field with irreducible specializations is called Hilbertian. The numerous applications of this theorem make the question of under what conditions an extension of a Hilbertian field is again Hilbertian intersting. It turns out the the most difficult part is separable algebraic extensions. Jarden conjectured that if K is Hilbertian, A an abelian variety over K, and E/K is an extension of K that is contained in the field generated by all torsion points of A, then E is Hilbertian. In this talk I shall discuss a solution of the conjecture using Galois representations.