Lior Bary-Soroker The field crossing argument: An example Abstract: I will present the field crossing argument via an example: Consider a perfect field K having a unique extension of each degree (e.g. a finite field) and consider a polynomial f(T,X) in two variables with coefficients in K that is separable and of positive degree n in X. Assume the cyclic group C_n is the Galois group of f over L(X), for any algebraic extension L/K. We will prove that there are (1) a polynomial g(T,X) of X-degree n and (2) a finite set S (whose size depends only on the degree of f and NOT on the field), such that for every a in K which is not in S the univariate polynomial f(a,X) is irreducible over K iff g(a,X) has a root in K.