TAU Combinatorics Seminar 2020/21

When: Sunday, January 17, 10am
Speaker: Dan Hefetz, Ariel University
Title: Rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs


In this talk we will study the so-called perturbed model which is a graph distribution of the form $G \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p)$, where G is an $n$-vertex graph with edge-density at least $d > 0$, and $d$ is independent of $n$.

We are interested in the threshold of the following anti-Ramsey property: every proper edge-colouring of $G \cup \mathbb{G}(n,p)$ yields a rainbow copy of $K_s$. We have determined this threshold for every $s$.

Based on joint work with Elad Aigner-Horev, Oran Danon and Shoham Letzter.