Adi Levin (
In charge of geometric algorithms at Cadent.
12/12/2000: PhD in Applied mathematics from Tel-Aviv
My web sites
Modified subdivision surfaces with continuous curvature,
Adi Levin, to appear in the proceedings of
SIGGRAPH 2006, acm Transactions On Graphics.
C^2 Subdivision over Triangulations with one Extraordinary Point,
Avi Zulti, Adi Levin,
David Levin and
Mina Taicher,
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Volume 23, Issue 2 , February 2006, Pages 157-178.
The Importance of Polynomial Reproduction in Piecewise-Uniform Subdivision,
Adi Levin, Mathematics of Surfaces XI, 11th IMA international Conference,
Loughborough, UK, September 2005 Proceedings,
Ralph Martin, Helmut Bez & Malcolm Sabin (eds.),
pages 272-307, Springer.
Trimming for Subdivision Surfaces
Nathan Litke, Adi Levin and
Peter Schroeder, Computed
Aided Geometric Design, 18(5), special issue on Subdivision Algorithms,
2001, pages 463-481.
Fitting Subdivision Surfaces
Nathan Litke, Adi Levin and
Peter Schroeder, IEEE Visualization 2001,
pages 319-324, October 2001.
- Combined Subdivision Schemes, Adi Levin, Ph.D. thesis, Tel Aviv university, 2000.
Piecewise Smooth Subdivision Surfaces with Normal Control
D. Zorin,
H. Biermann and Adi Levin, Computer Graphics Proceedings (SIGGRAPH),
Annual Conference Series, 2000, pages 113-120.
Subdivision for
Modeling and Animation, course notes, Denis Zorin, Peter Schröder, Tony
DeRose, Leif Kobbelt, Wim Sweldens and Adi Levin, full day course in Siggraph
Surface design using locally interpolating subdivision schemes
Adi Levin, Journal of Approximation
Theory, Vol. 104, No. 1, May 2000, pp. 98-120.
Interpolating nets of curves by smooth subdivision surfaces
Adi Levin, Computer Graphics Proceedings (SIGGRAPH),
Annual Conference Series, 1999, pages 57-64.
Filling N-sided holes by combined subdivision schemes
Adi Levin, Curve and Surface Design:
Saint-Malo 1999, Pierre-Jean Laurent, Paul Sablonniere, and Larry L.
Schumaker (eds.), pages 221-228. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN.
Combined subdivision schemes for the design of surfaces
satisfying boundary conditions
Adi Levin, Computer Aided Geometric
Design 16(5), 1999, pages 345-354.
Saint-Malo 2002 presentation - 171kb.
Mingle 2003 presentation - 216kb.
Seattle GD 2003 presentation - 198kb.
Oslo 2004 presentation - 2.7Mb.
Loughborough 2005 presentation - 2.7Mb.
Avignon 2006 presentation - 2.5Mb.
Siggraph 2006 presenation - 2.5Mb.
CAGD Course, Spring 2001.
Photos - Bungee jupming,
Home address: 11 Yoseph Feldman St.,
Nes Tziona 74058, Israel. Home
phone: +972-8-9100219