How do I get into the SADNA on ATM?

Participation in the Sadna has to be approve personally by the lecturer (Dr. Yishay Mansour.). The purpose of this approval process is to check that the people who will take this SADNA have a reasonable background that is required.

In order to be approved you have to do the following:

  1. Read the document about sockets. (Can be retrieved from the home page of the Sadna, at http:\\\~mansour\workshopSpring96.html.

  2. Write a simple client server program. In the program, you type a string of characters to the client, and you print it from the server.

  3. Schedule a meet with me (Yishay Mansour) on Tuesday afternoon. Come to this meeting with a printout of your program and expect to be asked about it.

  4. In the meeting there will be also questions about the background that you have in networks and operating systems.

Note: You have to be approved in order to participate!