Approximate Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates of Sparse Data Using Wavelets

Jeffrey Scott Vitter
Min Wang

Summarized by Eyal Baruch



Counting multidimensional aggregates in high dimensions is a performance bottleneck for many OLAP applications. Obtaining the exact answer to an aggregation query can be prohibitively expensive in terms of time and/or storage space in data warehouse environment. It is advantageous to have fast, approximate answers to OLAP aggregation queries.
This paper presents a new time efficient and storage efficient algorithm which provides approximate answers to high dimensional OLAP aggregation queries in massive sparse data.

Answering a Query

The new approach was developed for the important case of sparse high-dimensional arrays, which often arise in practice. It offers I/O efficiency, quick response time in answering an on-line query, accuracy in answering a typical OLAP query and progressive refinement of the approximate answers in case more accuracy is desired.
The new technique is based upon a multiresoultion wavelet decomposition that yields an approximate representation of the underlying multidimensional data. This space efficient representation is called, compact data cube. The paper's authors used wavelet decomposition procedure based on Haar basis, which are fast to compute and easy to implement.
The algorithm for constructing the data cube consists of several passes. In each pass one group of the crude data (the partition to groups is based upon internal memory space and disk block size) is processed (i.e., an ordinary multidimensional wavelet decomposition is performed) and the results are written out to be used for the next pass. By proper buffer management, it can be ensured that the individual blocks on disk never have to be read more than once while processing each group.
One problem is that the density of the intermediate results will increase from pass to pass, since performing wavelet decomposition on sparse data usually results in more nonzero coefficients. This may cause to processing more and more entries from pass to pass, even though a lot of entries are very small in magnitude. The natural solution to is truncation (it is reasonable because it is in line with the wavelet decomposition method itself, that is, the most significant wavelet coefficients contribute the most to the reconstruction of the original signal). However, it is too expensive to do truncation after all intermediate entries are written out in a multipass process. Instead truncation is done in each pass via an on-line statistical learning process.
After the original data is preprocessed, the result should be much smaller so it fits in one or a small number of disk blocks, depending upon the desired accuracy for the queries. Thus, given the storage limitations for the compact data cube, it is possible to keep only a certain number of wavelet coefficients. The process of determining which are the best coefficients to keep, so as to minimize the error of approximation is called thresholding. The paper suggests several ways to measure the error of approximation for individual queries. Once it is done, a norm to measure the error of a collection of queries should be obtained. The chosen ranking process applied in the paper is a combination of the 2-norm and weight function, which is proven to estimate the contribution of each coefficient to a range-sum query (class of aggregation queries which are defined by summing up contiguous domain range of some of the attributes).
In the on-line phase, for any given query, the compact data cube is consulted to give an approximate answer in one I/O or a small number of I/Os.
To fully understand the on-line query processing algorithm, the relationship between wavelet coefficients and a range-sum query are examined using the error tree structure. The error tree is built based upon the wavelet transform procedure. It is a bottom-up process, where each internal node is associated with a wavelet coefficient value, and each leaf is associated with an original signal value. The construction of the error tree exactly mirrors the wavelet transform procedure. It is proven that the reconstruction of any signal value depends only upon the values of those internal nodes along the path from the corresponding leaf to the root. This leads to the construction (and also complexity evaluation) of the on-line query algorithm, according to the first coefficients which contribute to the range sum query.

Results and Conclusions

Experiments show that the compact data cube provides excellent approximation for on-line range-sum queries with limited space usage and little computational cost. The paper describes the full algorithm in a very clear and consistent way. Most of the theorem are proven using lemmas or are justified using the former paper of the same authors. The improvements achieved are well explained and evaluated in terms of complexity, sometimes even compared to results of other known models.

Future Work

Future development of this approach is possible in many directions. One way, is the use of special transform for further improvements in relative accuracy (it is possible that such transform are effective mainly in lower dimensions). Other possible improvements can be obtained by quantizing the wavelet coefficients and entropy encoding of the quantized coefficients. Even, new dynamic efficient algorithms are being evolved for maintaining the compact data cube, when the underlying raw data is changed.