Combinatorics Seminar

When: Sunday, Dec. 5, 10am
Where: Schreiber 309
Speaker: Uli Wagner, Hebrew University
Title: On a Generalization of the Upper Bound Theorem


The Upper Bound Theorem, proved by McMullen in 1971, determines the maximum number of vertices of a convex polyhedron $P$ that is given as the intersection of $n$ affine halfspaces in $d$-dimensional Euclidean space and gives a characterization when this maximum is attained (in fact, the extremal "polar-to-neighborly" polyhedra simultaneously maximize the number of $i$-dimensional faces for all $i$, $0\leq i \leq d-1$).

Consider the following generalization of the extremal problem to $(\leq k)$-levels: Let us define the level of a point $x$ to be the number of halfspaces that it is NOT contained in (if we think of the halfspaces as the constraints of some linear program, then the level of a point is the number of constraints that it violates). Now, what is the maximum number of vertices (intersections of $d$ bounding hyperplanes) whose level does not exceed a given threshold $k$?

The conjectured answer, first formulated by Eckhoff, is that this number is again maximized by the polar-to-neighborly arrangments. This is known to be true for small dimensions, and to be asymptotically correct for any fixed dimension $d$, but in its exact form, the conjecture remains unresolved in general.

The goal of this talk is mostly to convince you that this is a very interesting conjecture, by discussing connections with a number of other problems, such as the Generalized Lower Bound Theorem, and crossing numbers of complete graphs.