title: Gap embedding theorems over well-quasi-orderings

Iddo Tzameret

abstract: We review some results concerning well-quasi-order theory and the Kruskal-Friedman type theorems. We then introduce our extension to Kriz's result: For two labeled trees s and t we say that s is embedded with gap into t if there is a 1-1 function from the vertices of s into t which maps each edge in s to a unique path in t with greater-or-equal labels. We show that finite trees are well-quasi-ordered with respect to the gap embedding when the labels are taken from an arbitrary well-quasi-ordering and each tree path can be partitioned into a fixed natural k, or less, comparable sub-paths. This result generalizes both that of Kriz ['89] and that of Okada & Takeuti's quasi-ordinal-diagrams ['86], and is also optimal in the sense that unbounded partiality yields a counter example.

Joint work with Nachum Dershowitz.