import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.lang.Math.*; import java.awt.event.*; import GR; import OVGraph; import Permutation; import Reversal; import AnalysisFrame; import Statistics; /* * This class reads PARAM tags from its HTML host page and sets * the color and label properties of the applet. Program execution * begins with the init() method. */ public class GR_applet extends Applet implements MouseListener, KeyListener, ItemListener { final static int VERTICAL = 1; final static int HORIZONTAL = 2; final static int FIRST_COLUMN = 0; final static int INSTRUCTION_LINE = 1; final static int COLUMNS_NUMBER = 10; final static int INITIALIZATION_LINE = 2; final static int PARAMETERS_LINE = 3; final static int ORIGINAL_PERMUTATION_LINE = 4; final static int PREVIOUS_PERMUTATION_LINE = 5; final static int CURRENT_PERMUTATION_LINE = 6; final static int BUTTONS_LINE = 7; final static int LOG_LINE = 8; final static int CLEAR_LINE = 9; // final static int MAX_PERMUTATION_SPACE = 8; final static int MAX_REPORTS = 100; // General stages (for all modes) final static int INIT_STAGE = 1; final static int MID_STAGE = 3; final static int DONE_STAGE = 2; // General modes final static int REGULAR_MODE = 1; final static int STATISTICS_MODE = 2; final static int NO_MODE = 3; GridBagLayout m_layout = new GridBagLayout(); // Data members GR m_gr; Permutation m_permutation; Permutation m_last_permutation = null; // For giving the user the option to work twice on the same permutation AnalysisFrame m_analysis_frame; int m_reversals_number = 0; int m_mode = REGULAR_MODE; boolean m_first_run = true; // Components // Instructions label Panel instructionPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 15, 5)); Label instructionLbl = new Label("This is the instruction field. All the instructions will appear here"); // Initialization components Panel initPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20, 5)); LabeledChoice modeChc = new LabeledChoice("Mode", this, this, HORIZONTAL); LabeledChoice permutationChc = new LabeledChoice("Permutation", this, this, HORIZONTAL); Panel parametersPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20, 5)); LabeledTextField sizeTxt = new LabeledTextField("Size", 3, this, HORIZONTAL); LabeledTextField reversalsNumTxt = new LabeledTextField("Reversals", 3, this, HORIZONTAL); LabeledTextField instancesNumberTxt = new LabeledTextField("Instances", 3, this, HORIZONTAL); // Original permutation (signed) Panel originalPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20, 5)); LabeledTextArea origPermutationTxt = new LabeledTextArea("Original permutation", 1, 47, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY, this, VERTICAL); Button submitBtn = new Button("Submit"); // Previous permutation information Panel previousPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20, 0)); LabeledTextArea previousPermutationTxt = new LabeledTextArea("Previous permutation", 1, 45, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY, this, VERTICAL); LabeledTextField lastReversalTxt = new LabeledTextField("Last reversal", 10, this, VERTICAL); // Current permutation (unsigned) Panel currentPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 0)); LabeledTextArea currentPermutationTxt = new LabeledTextArea("Current permutation", 1, 62, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY, this, VERTICAL); // General buttons Panel buttonsPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 0)); // Buttons to deal with the current permutation Button nextBtn = new Button("Next "); Button runBtn = new Button("Run "); Button analyzeBtn = new Button("Analyze"); // Submiting the next reversal Button userReversalBtn = new Button("User Reversal"); LabeledChoice fromChc = new LabeledChoice("From ", this, this, VERTICAL); LabeledChoice toChc = new LabeledChoice("To ", this, this, VERTICAL); // Log text area Panel logPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 0)); LabeledTextArea logTxt = new LabeledTextArea("History", 8, 62, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY, this, VERTICAL); Panel clearPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 10)); Button clearBtn = new Button("Clear"); /* * The entry point for the applet. */ public void init() { initForm(); // usePageParams(); } // private final String labelParam = "label"; private final String backgroundParam = "background"; private final String foregroundParam = "foreground"; /* * Intializes values for the applet and its components */ void initForm() { this.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.setForeground(; this.setLayout(m_layout); this.setSize(490, 550); arrangeComponents(); fillPermutationsChc(); fillModeChc(); handleListeners(); setMode(INIT_STAGE); updateMode(); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { Component comp = e.getComponent(); try { if(comp.equals(submitBtn)) runInitStage(); if(comp.equals(nextBtn)) runNextStage(); if(comp.equals(userReversalBtn)) reversalUserChoice(); if(comp.equals(analyzeBtn)) analyzeCurrentPermutation(); if(comp.equals(runBtn)) runToEnd(); if(comp.equals(clearBtn)) clearAll(); } catch (Exception e1) { handleException(e1); } } /* *************** MAIN OPERATIONS ************** */ private void runInitStage() throws Exception { String mode = modeChc.getSelectedItem(); if(mode.equalsIgnoreCase("Statistics")) runStatistics(); // Initialization stage. Generate the permutation String permutation_kind = permutationChc.getSelectedItem(); // Check the permutation kind if(permutation_kind.equalsIgnoreCase("User permutation")) usePermutation(userPermutation()); if(permutation_kind.equalsIgnoreCase("Random permutation")) usePermutation(randomPermutation()); if(permutation_kind.equalsIgnoreCase("Advanced random permutation")) usePermutation(advancedRandomPermutation()); if(permutation_kind.equalsIgnoreCase("Last permutation")) usePermutation(m_last_permutation); this.analyzeBtn.setEnabled(true); } private void usePermutation(Permutation permutation) throws Exception { if(m_first_run) { // First permutation m_first_run = false; permutationChc.addItem("Last permutation"); } m_last_permutation = new Permutation(permutation); this.showOriginalPermutation(permutation, origPermutationTxt); showPermutation(permutation, this.currentPermutationTxt); updateFromToChc(permutation); m_permutation = permutation; m_gr = new GR(permutation); setMode(MID_STAGE); } private Permutation advancedRandomPermutation() throws Exception { int size = getSizeParameter(); int reversals_num = getReversalsNumberParameter(); return new Permutation(size, reversals_num); } private int getReversalsNumberParameter() throws Exception { try { int reversals_num = Integer.parseInt(reversalsNumTxt.getText()); return reversals_num; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid reversals number"); } } private int getSizeParameter() throws Exception { try { int size = Integer.parseInt(sizeTxt.getText()); return size; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid size"); } } private int getInstancesNumber() throws Exception { try { int instances_number = Integer.parseInt(instancesNumberTxt.getText()); return instances_number; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid size"); } } private Permutation randomPermutation() throws Exception { int size = this.getSizeParameter(); return new Permutation(size); } private Permutation userPermutation() throws Exception { int size = this.getSizeParameter(); try { return getPermutation(this.origPermutationTxt, size); } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception("Invalid permutation"); } } public void runNextStage() throws Exception { // Create a copy of te permutation to print the previous permutation this.showPermutation(m_permutation, this.previousPermutationTxt); // Run one step Reversal reversal = m_gr.runStep(); if(reversal == null) { // Done if(m_analysis_frame != null) m_analysis_frame.nextBtn.setEnabled(false); log("Done"); this.setMode(DONE_STAGE); return; } // else m_reversals_number++; log("Reversal " + m_reversals_number + " " + reversal.toString(m_permutation, true)); lastReversalTxt.setText(reversal.toString(m_permutation, true)); showPermutation(m_permutation, currentPermutationTxt); updateFromToChc(m_permutation); if(m_analysis_frame != null) m_analysis_frame.repaint(); } private void reversalUserChoice() throws Exception { userReversal(); } private void userReversal() throws Exception { this.showPermutation(m_permutation, this.previousPermutationTxt); Reversal reversal = getUserReversal(); this.m_gr.makeReversal(reversal); m_reversals_number++; this.lastReversalTxt.setText(reversal.toString(m_permutation, true)); showPermutation(m_permutation, currentPermutationTxt); log("User reversal " + m_reversals_number + " " + reversal.toString(m_permutation, true)); this.updateFromToChc(m_permutation); if(m_analysis_frame != null) this.m_analysis_frame.repaint(); } private void analyzeCurrentPermutation() throws Exception { analyzeBtn.setEnabled(false); m_analysis_frame = new AnalysisFrame("Permutation Analysis", m_gr, this); } public void analysisFrameClosed() { analyzeBtn.setEnabled(true); } private void runToEnd() throws Exception { // Delete irelevant data this.previousPermutationTxt.setText(""); this.lastReversalTxt.setText(""); Reversal[] reversals =; for(int i=0; i= size) || (to >= size) || (from > to) || ((to % 2) == 0) || ((from % 2) == 0)) throw new Exception("GR_applet::fillFromChc - invalid parameters"); String item = fromChc.getSelectedItem(); fromChc.clear(); for(int i=from; i<=to; i+=2) fromChc.addItem("" + permutation.getIndex(i)); try {; } catch(Exception e) {} } private void updateFromToChc(Permutation permutation) throws Exception { fillFromChc(permutation, 1, permutation.getSize()-3); fillToChc(permutation, 2, permutation.getSize()-2); } private void fillToChc(Permutation permutation, int from, int to) throws Exception { int size = permutation.getSize(); if((from >= size) || (to >= size) || (from > to) || ((to % 2) == 1) || ((from % 2) == 1)) throw new Exception("GR_applet::fillToChc - invalid parameters"); String item = toChc.getSelectedItem(); toChc.clear(); for(int i=from; i<=to; i+=2) toChc.addItem("" + permutation.getIndex(i)); try {; } catch(Exception e) {} } private void setComponents(int stage) { modeChc.setEnabled(stage == INIT_STAGE); permutationChc.setEnabled(stage == INIT_STAGE); sizeTxt.setEnabled(stage == INIT_STAGE); this.reversalsNumTxt.setEnabled(stage == INIT_STAGE); this.instancesNumberTxt.setEnabled((stage == INIT_STAGE) && (m_mode == STATISTICS_MODE)); submitBtn.setEnabled(stage == INIT_STAGE); this.origPermutationTxt.setEnabled(true); this.currentPermutationTxt.setEnabled(true); nextBtn.setEnabled(stage == MID_STAGE); runBtn.setEnabled(stage == MID_STAGE); userReversalBtn.setEnabled(stage == MID_STAGE); switch(stage) { case INIT_STAGE: this.analyzeBtn.setEnabled(false); this.sizeTxt.setText(""); this.reversalsNumTxt.setText(""); this.instancesNumberTxt.setText(""); this.fromChc.clear(); this.toChc.clear(); this.origPermutationTxt.setText(""); this.previousPermutationTxt.setText(""); this.lastReversalTxt.setText(""); this.currentPermutationTxt.setText(""); this.logTxt.setText(""); instruction("Choose a mode and permutation kind and press Submit"); this.updateMode(); break; case MID_STAGE: instruction("Choose the next operation - Next / Run / Analyze / user Reversal (your reversal)"); break; case DONE_STAGE: instruction("Press clear to start a new permutation"); break; } } static void constrain(Container container, GridBagLayout layout, Component component, int x, int y, int width, int height, int weight_x, boolean fill) { GridBagConstraints cons = new GridBagConstraints(); cons.gridx = x; cons.gridy = y; cons.gridheight = height; cons.gridwidth = width; cons.weightx = weight_x; cons.anchor = cons.WEST; if(fill) cons.fill = cons.BOTH; else cons.fill = cons.NONE; container.add(component); layout.setConstraints(component, cons); } private void arrangeComponents() { this.constrain(this, m_layout, instructionPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, INSTRUCTION_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); instructionPnl.add(instructionLbl); this.constrain(this, m_layout, initPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, INITIALIZATION_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); initPnl.add(modeChc); initPnl.add(permutationChc); this.constrain(this, m_layout, parametersPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, PARAMETERS_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); parametersPnl.add(sizeTxt); parametersPnl.add(reversalsNumTxt); parametersPnl.add(instancesNumberTxt); this.constrain(this, m_layout, originalPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, ORIGINAL_PERMUTATION_LINE, 5, 1, 1, true); originalPnl.add(origPermutationTxt); originalPnl.add(submitBtn); this.constrain(this, m_layout, previousPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, PREVIOUS_PERMUTATION_LINE, 8, 1, 2, true); previousPnl.add(this.previousPermutationTxt); previousPnl.add(this.lastReversalTxt); this.constrain(this, m_layout, currentPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, CURRENT_PERMUTATION_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true) ; currentPnl.add(currentPermutationTxt); this.constrain(this, m_layout, buttonsPnl, FIRST_COLUMN, BUTTONS_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); // Fill the panel components buttonsPnl.add(nextBtn); buttonsPnl.add(runBtn); buttonsPnl.add(analyzeBtn); buttonsPnl.add(userReversalBtn); buttonsPnl.add(fromChc); buttonsPnl.add(toChc); buttonsPnl.add(new Label("")); this.constrain(this, m_layout, logPnl, FIRST_COLUMN + 1, LOG_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); logPnl.add(logTxt); this.constrain(this, m_layout, clearPnl, FIRST_COLUMN + 1, CLEAR_LINE, COLUMNS_NUMBER, 1, 1, true); clearPnl.add(clearBtn); } /* ******************* HELPFUL COMPONENTS ****************** */ class LabeledTextField extends Panel { Label m_label; public TextField m_text; LabeledTextField(String label, int size, KeyListener k, int order) { super(new BorderLayout()); m_label = new Label(label); m_text = new TextField("", size); if(order == VERTICAL) { this.add("North", m_label); this.add("South", m_text); } else { this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0)); this.add(m_label); this.add(m_text); } } void setText(String txt) { m_text.setText(txt); } String getText() { return m_text.getText(); } public void relevant(boolean b, String str) { m_text.setText(str); m_text.setEnabled(b); } public void setEnabled(boolean b) { m_text.setEnabled(b); } } class LabeledTextArea extends Panel { Label m_label; public TextArea m_text; LabeledTextArea(String label, int rows, int columns, int scrollbars, KeyListener k, int order) { super(new BorderLayout()); m_label = new Label(label); m_text = new TextArea("", rows, columns, scrollbars); if(order == VERTICAL) { this.add("North", m_label); this.add("South", m_text); } else { this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0)); this.add(m_label); this.add(m_text); } m_text.addKeyListener(k); } void setText(String txt) { m_text.setText(txt); } String getText() { return m_text.getText(); } void append(String str) { m_text.append(str); } public void relevant(boolean b, String str) { m_text.setText(str); m_text.setEnabled(b); } public void setEnabled(boolean b) { m_text.setEnabled(b); } public void setEditable(boolean b) { m_text.setEditable(b); } } class LabeledChoice extends Panel { Label m_label; public Choice m_choice; LabeledChoice(String label, KeyListener k, MouseListener m, int order) { super(new BorderLayout()); m_label = new Label(label); m_choice = new Choice(); if(order == VERTICAL) { this.add("North", m_label); this.add("South", m_choice); } else { this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0)); this.add(m_label); this.add(m_choice); } m_choice.addKeyListener(k); m_choice.addMouseListener(m); } void addItem(String item) { m_choice.addItem(item); } void removeItem(String item) { m_choice.remove(item); } public void setEnabled(boolean b) { m_choice.setEnabled(b); } int getItemCount() { return m_choice.getItemCount(); } String getSelectedItem() { return m_choice.getSelectedItem(); } void remove(String item) { m_choice.remove(item); } void clear() { m_choice.removeAll(); } void addItemListener(ItemListener I) { m_choice.addItemListener(I); } void select(String item) {; } } class ExceptionDialog extends Dialog implements MouseListener { Button closeBtn = new Button("Close"); MultiLineLabel messageLbl; ExceptionDialog(String title, boolean modal, Exception exception) { super(new Frame(), title, true); Frame f = (Frame)this.getParent(); f.setSize(400, 200); f.setVisible(true); setLayout(new BorderLayout(15, 15)); String message = getMessage(exception); messageLbl = new MultiLineLabel(message, 20, 20); add("Center", messageLbl); Panel buttonPnl = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 15, 15)); buttonPnl.add(this.closeBtn); closeBtn.addMouseListener(this); add("South", buttonPnl); setSize(400, 200); setVisible(true); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if(e.getComponent() == closeBtn) { Frame f = (Frame)this.getParent(); f.setVisible(false); setVisible(false); dispose(); f.dispose(); } } private String getMessage(Exception exception) { String message = exception.getMessage(); if((message == null) || message.equalsIgnoreCase("")) message = new String("No message"); return new String( "An exception was thrown\n" + "The exception type is " + exception.getClass().getName() + "\n" + "The exception message is " + message + "\n" + "Clearing permutation information"); } } } /* fortress 5 1 3 2 4 6 11 7 9 8 10 12 17 13 15 14 16 18 */