Torah puzzle



The programs are written on "C" programming language. I assume that you have a compiler and know how to use it.

Some service modules are used. I compile them separately. If, for any reason, you (or your computer) do not like linking together separately compiled modules, read my "Avoiding separate compilation" page.

Service modules:

Compile each auxiliary module getting object (not executable!) files ios.o, ios_2.o, ... (or maybe ios.obj, ... or something like that, depending on your operating system).

Take header files declaring service functions:

There is no ios_s.h; both ios.c and ios_s.c are described by ios.h.

The programs are listed below. For their purposes, see my "Running the programs" page. Click each program you need and save it.

program linked with
prepare ios
search ios, book
sort_per ios
domain ios
distance ios_2
correct ios
import ios
squeese ios
init ios
translit ios_s
reverse ios
frequen ios
freq_alp ios_s
restrict ios_s(original or corrected formulas)

Programs search and restrict need the square root function sqrt; on some systems the mathematical library must be referred explicitly.

For example, under Unix I have compiled the first group of programs (prepare, ... correct) by running the following script (batch) file:

gcc -c ios.c
gcc -c ios_2.c
gcc -c book.c
gcc -o prepare prepare.c ios.o
gcc -o search search.c ios.o book.o -lm
gcc -o sort_per sort_per.c ios.o
gcc -o domain domain.c ios.o
gcc -o distance distance.c ios_2.o
gcc -o correct correct.c ios.o

The GNU project C compiler gcc was used. The -lm option is needed when compiling search in order to use the mathematical library.

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