"Canny" edge detector code: --------------------------- This text file contains the source code for a "Canny" edge detector. It was written by Mike Heath (heath@csee.usf.edu) using some pieces of a Canny edge detector originally written by someone at Michigan State University. There are three 'C' source code files in this text file. They are named "canny_edge.c", "hysteresis.c" and "pgm_io.c". They were written and compiled under SunOS 4.1.3. Since then they have also been compiled under Solaris. To make an executable program: (1) Separate this file into three files with the previously specified names, and then (2) compile the code using gcc -o canny_edge canny_edge.c hysteresis.c pgm_io.c -lm (Note: You can also use optimization such as -O3) The resulting program, canny_edge, will process images in the PGM format. Parameter selection is left up to the user. A broad range of parameters to use as a starting point are: sigma 0.60-2.40, tlow 0.20-0.50 and, thigh 0.60-0.90. If you are using a Unix system, PGM file format conversion tools can be found at ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/graphics/graphics/packages/pbmplus/. Otherwise, it would be easy for anyone to rewrite the image I/O procedures because they are listed in the separate file pgm_io.c. If you want to check your compiled code, you can download grey-scale and edge images from http://marathon.csee.usf.edu/edge/edge_detection.html. You can use the parameters given in the edge filenames and check whether the edges that are output from your program match the edge images posted at that address. Mike Heath (10/29/96) <------------------------- begin canny_edge.c -------------------------> /******************************************************************************* * -------------------------------------------- *(c) 2001 University of South Florida, Tampa * Use, or copying without permission prohibited. * PERMISSION TO USE * In transmitting this software, permission to use for research and * educational purposes is hereby granted. This software may be copied for * archival and backup purposes only. This software may not be transmitted * to a third party without prior permission of the copyright holder. This * permission may be granted only by Mike Heath or Prof. Sudeep Sarkar of * University of South Florida (sarkar@csee.usf.edu). Acknowledgment as * appropriate is respectfully requested. * * Heath, M., Sarkar, S., Sanocki, T., and Bowyer, K. Comparison of edge * detectors: a methodology and initial study, Computer Vision and Image * Understanding 69 (1), 38-54, January 1998. * Heath, M., Sarkar, S., Sanocki, T. and Bowyer, K.W. A Robust Visual * Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection * Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine * Intelligence 19 (12), 1338-1359, December 1997. * ------------------------------------------------------ * * PROGRAM: canny_edge * PURPOSE: This program implements a "Canny" edge detector. The processing * steps are as follows: * * 1) Convolve the image with a separable gaussian filter. * 2) Take the dx and dy the first derivatives using [-1,0,1] and [1,0,-1]'. * 3) Compute the magnitude: sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy). * 4) Perform non-maximal suppression. * 5) Perform hysteresis. * * The user must input three parameters. These are as follows: * * sigma = The standard deviation of the gaussian smoothing filter. * tlow = Specifies the low value to use in hysteresis. This is a * fraction (0-1) of the computed high threshold edge strength value. * thigh = Specifies the high value to use in hysteresis. This fraction (0-1) * specifies the percentage point in a histogram of the gradient of * the magnitude. Magnitude values of zero are not counted in the * histogram. * * NAME: Mike Heath * Computer Vision Laboratory * University of South Floeida * heath@csee.usf.edu * * DATE: 2/15/96 * * Modified: 5/17/96 - To write out a floating point RAW headerless file of * the edge gradient "up the edge" where the angle is * defined in radians counterclockwise from the x direction. * (Mike Heath) *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #define VERBOSE 0 #define BOOSTBLURFACTOR 90.0 int read_pgm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image, int *rows, int *cols); int write_pgm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, char *comment, int maxval); void canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname); void gaussian_smooth(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, short int **smoothedim); void make_gaussian_kernel(float sigma, float **kernel, int *windowsize); void derrivative_x_y(short int *smoothedim, int rows, int cols, short int **delta_x, short int **delta_y); void magnitude_x_y(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, short int **magnitude); void apply_hysteresis(short int *mag, unsigned char *nms, int rows, int cols, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char *edge); void radian_direction(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, float **dir_radians, int xdirtag, int ydirtag); double angle_radians(double x, double y); main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *infilename = NULL; /* Name of the input image */ char *dirfilename = NULL; /* Name of the output gradient direction image */ char outfilename[128]; /* Name of the output "edge" image */ char composedfname[128]; /* Name of the output "direction" image */ unsigned char *image; /* The input image */ unsigned char *edge; /* The output edge image */ int rows, cols; /* The dimensions of the image. */ float sigma, /* Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel. */ tlow, /* Fraction of the high threshold in hysteresis. */ thigh; /* High hysteresis threshold control. The actual threshold is the (100 * thigh) percentage point in the histogram of the magnitude of the gradient image that passes non-maximal suppression. */ /**************************************************************************** * Get the command line arguments. ****************************************************************************/ if(argc < 5){ fprintf(stderr,"\n %s image sigma tlow thigh [writedirim]\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"\n image: An image to process. Must be in "); fprintf(stderr,"PGM format.\n"); fprintf(stderr," sigma: Standard deviation of the gaussian"); fprintf(stderr," blur kernel.\n"); fprintf(stderr," tlow: Fraction (0.0-1.0) of the high "); fprintf(stderr,"edge strength threshold.\n"); fprintf(stderr," thigh: Fraction (0.0-1.0) of the distribution"); fprintf(stderr," of non-zero edge\n strengths for "); fprintf(stderr,"hysteresis. The fraction is used to compute\n"); fprintf(stderr," the high edge strength threshold.\n"); fprintf(stderr," writedirim: Optional argument to output "); fprintf(stderr,"a floating point"); fprintf(stderr," direction image.\n\n"); exit(1); } infilename = argv[1]; sigma = atof(argv[2]); tlow = atof(argv[3]); thigh = atof(argv[4]); if(argc == 6) dirfilename = infilename; else dirfilename = NULL; /**************************************************************************** * Read in the image. This read function allocates memory for the image. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Reading the image %s.\n", infilename); if(read_pgm_image(infilename, &image, &rows, &cols) == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the input image, %s.\n", infilename); exit(1); } /**************************************************************************** * Perform the edge detection. All of the work takes place here. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Starting Canny edge detection.\n"); if(dirfilename != NULL){ sprintf(composedfname, "%s_s_%3.2f_l_%3.2f_h_%3.2f.fim", infilename, sigma, tlow, thigh); dirfilename = composedfname; } canny(image, rows, cols, sigma, tlow, thigh, &edge, dirfilename); /**************************************************************************** * Write out the edge image to a file. ****************************************************************************/ sprintf(outfilename, "%s_s_%3.2f_l_%3.2f_h_%3.2f.pgm", infilename, sigma, tlow, thigh); if(VERBOSE) printf("Writing the edge iname in the file %s.\n", outfilename); if(write_pgm_image(outfilename, edge, rows, cols, "", 255) == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the edge image, %s.\n", outfilename); exit(1); } } /******************************************************************************* * PROCEDURE: canny * PURPOSE: To perform canny edge detection. * NAME: Mike Heath * DATE: 2/15/96 *******************************************************************************/ void canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname) { FILE *fpdir=NULL; /* File to write the gradient image to. */ unsigned char *nms; /* Points that are local maximal magnitude. */ short int *smoothedim, /* The image after gaussian smoothing. */ *delta_x, /* The first devivative image, x-direction. */ *delta_y, /* The first derivative image, y-direction. */ *magnitude; /* The magnitude of the gadient image. */ int r, c, pos; float *dir_radians=NULL; /* Gradient direction image. */ /**************************************************************************** * Perform gaussian smoothing on the image using the input standard * deviation. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Smoothing the image using a gaussian kernel.\n"); gaussian_smooth(image, rows, cols, sigma, &smoothedim); /**************************************************************************** * Compute the first derivative in the x and y directions. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the X and Y first derivatives.\n"); derrivative_x_y(smoothedim, rows, cols, &delta_x, &delta_y); /**************************************************************************** * This option to write out the direction of the edge gradient was added * to make the information available for computing an edge quality figure * of merit. ****************************************************************************/ if(fname != NULL){ /************************************************************************* * Compute the direction up the gradient, in radians that are * specified counteclockwise from the positive x-axis. *************************************************************************/ radian_direction(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, &dir_radians, -1, -1); /************************************************************************* * Write the gradient direction image out to a file. *************************************************************************/ if((fpdir = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening the file %s for writing.\n", fname); exit(1); } fwrite(dir_radians, sizeof(float), rows*cols, fpdir); fclose(fpdir); free(dir_radians); } /**************************************************************************** * Compute the magnitude of the gradient. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Computing the magnitude of the gradient.\n"); magnitude_x_y(delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, &magnitude); /**************************************************************************** * Perform non-maximal suppression. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing the non-maximal suppression.\n"); if((nms = (unsigned char *) calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char)))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the nms image.\n"); exit(1); } non_max_supp(magnitude, delta_x, delta_y, rows, cols, nms); /**************************************************************************** * Use hysteresis to mark the edge pixels. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf("Doing hysteresis thresholding.\n"); if((*edge=(unsigned char *)calloc(rows*cols,sizeof(unsigned char))) ==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the edge image.\n"); exit(1); } apply_hysteresis(magnitude, nms, rows, cols, tlow, thigh, *edge); /**************************************************************************** * Free all of the memory that we allocated except for the edge image that * is still being used to store out result. ****************************************************************************/ free(smoothedim); free(delta_x); free(delta_y); free(magnitude); free(nms); } /******************************************************************************* * Procedure: radian_direction * Purpose: To compute a direction of the gradient image from component dx and * dy images. Because not all derriviatives are computed in the same way, this * code allows for dx or dy to have been calculated in different ways. * * FOR X: xdirtag = -1 for [-1 0 1] * xdirtag = 1 for [ 1 0 -1] * * FOR Y: ydirtag = -1 for [-1 0 1]' * ydirtag = 1 for [ 1 0 -1]' * * The resulting angle is in radians measured counterclockwise from the * xdirection. The angle points "up the gradient". *******************************************************************************/ void radian_direction(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, float **dir_radians, int xdirtag, int ydirtag) { int r, c, pos; float *dirim=NULL; double dx, dy; /**************************************************************************** * Allocate an image to store the direction of the gradient. ****************************************************************************/ if((dirim = (float *) calloc(rows*cols, sizeof(float))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the gradient direction image.\n"); exit(1); } *dir_radians = dirim; for(r=0,pos=0;r= 0){ if(y >= 0) return(ang); else return(2*M_PI - ang); } else{ if(y >= 0) return(M_PI - ang); else return(M_PI + ang); } } /******************************************************************************* * PROCEDURE: magnitude_x_y * PURPOSE: Compute the magnitude of the gradient. This is the square root of * the sum of the squared derivative values. * NAME: Mike Heath * DATE: 2/15/96 *******************************************************************************/ void magnitude_x_y(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, short int **magnitude) { int r, c, pos, sq1, sq2; /**************************************************************************** * Allocate an image to store the magnitude of the gradient. ****************************************************************************/ if((*magnitude = (short *) calloc(rows*cols, sizeof(short))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the magnitude image.\n"); exit(1); } for(r=0,pos=0;r= 0) && ((c+cc) < cols)){ dot += (float)image[r*cols+(c+cc)] * kernel[center+cc]; sum += kernel[center+cc]; } } tempim[r*cols+c] = dot/sum; } } /**************************************************************************** * Blur in the y - direction. ****************************************************************************/ if(VERBOSE) printf(" Bluring the image in the Y-direction.\n"); for(c=0;c= 0) && ((r+rr) < rows)){ dot += tempim[(r+rr)*cols+c] * kernel[center+rr]; sum += kernel[center+rr]; } } (*smoothedim)[r*cols+c] = (short int)(dot*BOOSTBLURFACTOR/sum + 0.5); } } free(tempim); free(kernel); } /******************************************************************************* * PROCEDURE: make_gaussian_kernel * PURPOSE: Create a one dimensional gaussian kernel. * NAME: Mike Heath * DATE: 2/15/96 *******************************************************************************/ void make_gaussian_kernel(float sigma, float **kernel, int *windowsize) { int i, center; float x, fx, sum=0.0; *windowsize = 1 + 2 * ceil(2.5 * sigma); center = (*windowsize) / 2; if(VERBOSE) printf(" The kernel has %d elements.\n", *windowsize); if((*kernel = (float *) calloc((*windowsize), sizeof(float))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error callocing the gaussian kernel array.\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<(*windowsize);i++){ x = (float)(i - center); fx = pow(2.71828, -0.5*x*x/(sigma*sigma)) / (sigma * sqrt(6.2831853)); (*kernel)[i] = fx; sum += fx; } for(i=0;i<(*windowsize);i++) (*kernel)[i] /= sum; if(VERBOSE){ printf("The filter coefficients are:\n"); for(i=0;i<(*windowsize);i++) printf("kernel[%d] = %f\n", i, (*kernel)[i]); } } <------------------------- end canny_edge.c -------------------------> <------------------------- begin hysteresis.c -------------------------> /******************************************************************************* * FILE: hysteresis.c * This code was re-written by Mike Heath from original code obtained indirectly * from Michigan State University. heath@csee.usf.edu (Re-written in 1996). *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #define VERBOSE 0 #define NOEDGE 255 #define POSSIBLE_EDGE 128 #define EDGE 0 /******************************************************************************* * PROCEDURE: follow_edges * PURPOSE: This procedure edges is a recursive routine that traces edgs along * all paths whose magnitude values remain above some specifyable lower * threshhold. * NAME: Mike Heath * DATE: 2/15/96 *******************************************************************************/ follow_edges(unsigned char *edgemapptr, short *edgemagptr, short lowval, int cols) { short *tempmagptr; unsigned char *tempmapptr; int i; float thethresh; int x[8] = {1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1}, y[8] = {0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1}; for(i=0;i<8;i++){ tempmapptr = edgemapptr - y[i]*cols + x[i]; tempmagptr = edgemagptr - y[i]*cols + x[i]; if((*tempmapptr == POSSIBLE_EDGE) && (*tempmagptr > lowval)){ *tempmapptr = (unsigned char) EDGE; follow_edges(tempmapptr,tempmagptr, lowval, cols); } } } /******************************************************************************* * PROCEDURE: apply_hysteresis * PURPOSE: This routine finds edges that are above some high threshhold or * are connected to a high pixel by a path of pixels greater than a low * threshold. * NAME: Mike Heath * DATE: 2/15/96 *******************************************************************************/ void apply_hysteresis(short int *mag, unsigned char *nms, int rows, int cols, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char *edge) { int r, c, pos, numedges, lowcount, highcount, lowthreshold, highthreshold, i, hist[32768], rr, cc; short int maximum_mag, sumpix; /**************************************************************************** * Initialize the edge map to possible edges everywhere the non-maximal * suppression suggested there could be an edge except for the border. At * the border we say there can not be an edge because it makes the * follow_edges algorithm more efficient to not worry about tracking an * edge off the side of the image. ****************************************************************************/ for(r=0,pos=0;r= highthreshold)){ edge[pos] = EDGE; follow_edges((edge+pos), (mag+pos), lowthreshold, cols); } } } /**************************************************************************** * Set all the remaining possible edges to non-edges. ****************************************************************************/ for(r=0,pos=0;r= 0){ if(gy >= 0){ if (gx >= gy) { /* 111 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr - 1); z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1); mag1 = (m00 - z1)*xperp + (z2 - z1)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr + 1); z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1); mag2 = (m00 - z1)*xperp + (z2 - z1)*yperp; } else { /* 110 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr - ncols); z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1); mag1 = (z1 - z2)*xperp + (z1 - m00)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr + ncols); z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1); mag2 = (z1 - z2)*xperp + (z1 - m00)*yperp; } } else { if (gx >= -gy) { /* 101 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr - 1); z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1); mag1 = (m00 - z1)*xperp + (z1 - z2)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr + 1); z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1); mag2 = (m00 - z1)*xperp + (z1 - z2)*yperp; } else { /* 100 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr + ncols); z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1); mag1 = (z1 - z2)*xperp + (m00 - z1)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr - ncols); z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1); mag2 = (z1 - z2)*xperp + (m00 - z1)*yperp; } } } else { if ((gy = *gyptr) >= 0) { if (-gx >= gy) { /* 011 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr + 1); z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1); mag1 = (z1 - m00)*xperp + (z2 - z1)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr - 1); z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1); mag2 = (z1 - m00)*xperp + (z2 - z1)*yperp; } else { /* 010 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr - ncols); z2 = *(magptr - ncols + 1); mag1 = (z2 - z1)*xperp + (z1 - m00)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr + ncols); z2 = *(magptr + ncols - 1); mag2 = (z2 - z1)*xperp + (z1 - m00)*yperp; } } else { if (-gx > -gy) { /* 001 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr + 1); z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1); mag1 = (z1 - m00)*xperp + (z1 - z2)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr - 1); z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1); mag2 = (z1 - m00)*xperp + (z1 - z2)*yperp; } else { /* 000 */ /* Left point */ z1 = *(magptr + ncols); z2 = *(magptr + ncols + 1); mag1 = (z2 - z1)*xperp + (m00 - z1)*yperp; /* Right point */ z1 = *(magptr - ncols); z2 = *(magptr - ncols - 1); mag2 = (z2 - z1)*xperp + (m00 - z1)*yperp; } } } /* Now determine if the current point is a maximum point */ if ((mag1 > 0.0) || (mag2 > 0.0)) { *resultptr = (unsigned char) NOEDGE; } else { if (mag2 == 0.0) *resultptr = (unsigned char) NOEDGE; else *resultptr = (unsigned char) POSSIBLE_EDGE; } } } } <------------------------- end hysteresis.c -------------------------> <------------------------- begin pgm_io.c-------------------------> /******************************************************************************* * FILE: pgm_io.c * This code was written by Mike Heath. heath@csee.usf.edu (in 1995). *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /****************************************************************************** * Function: read_pgm_image * Purpose: This function reads in an image in PGM format. The image can be * read in from either a file or from standard input. The image is only read * from standard input when infilename = NULL. Because the PGM format includes * the number of columns and the number of rows in the image, these are read * from the file. Memory to store the image is allocated in this function. * All comments in the header are discarded in the process of reading the * image. Upon failure, this function returns 0, upon sucess it returns 1. ******************************************************************************/ int read_pgm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image, int *rows, int *cols) { FILE *fp; char buf[71]; /*************************************************************************** * Open the input image file for reading if a filename was given. If no * filename was provided, set fp to read from standard input. ***************************************************************************/ if(infilename == NULL) fp = stdin; else{ if((fp = fopen(infilename, "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the file %s in read_pgm_image().\n", infilename); return(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * Verify that the image is in PGM format, read in the number of columns * and rows in the image and scan past all of the header information. ***************************************************************************/ fgets(buf, 70, fp); if(strncmp(buf,"P5",2) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "The file %s is not in PGM format in ", infilename); fprintf(stderr, "read_pgm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */ sscanf(buf, "%d %d", cols, rows); do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */ /*************************************************************************** * Allocate memory to store the image then read the image from the file. ***************************************************************************/ if(((*image) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_pgm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } if((*rows) != fread((*image), (*cols), (*rows), fp)){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the image data in read_pgm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); free((*image)); return(0); } if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(1); } /****************************************************************************** * Function: write_pgm_image * Purpose: This function writes an image in PGM format. The file is either * written to the file specified by outfilename or to standard output if * outfilename = NULL. A comment can be written to the header if coment != NULL. ******************************************************************************/ int write_pgm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, char *comment, int maxval) { FILE *fp; /*************************************************************************** * Open the output image file for writing if a filename was given. If no * filename was provided, set fp to write to standard output. ***************************************************************************/ if(outfilename == NULL) fp = stdout; else{ if((fp = fopen(outfilename, "w")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the file %s in write_pgm_image().\n", outfilename); return(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * Write the header information to the PGM file. ***************************************************************************/ fprintf(fp, "P5\n%d %d\n", cols, rows); if(comment != NULL) if(strlen(comment) <= 70) fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", comment); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", maxval); /*************************************************************************** * Write the image data to the file. ***************************************************************************/ if(rows != fwrite(image, cols, rows, fp)){ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the image data in write_pgm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdout) fclose(fp); return(0); } if(fp != stdout) fclose(fp); return(1); } /****************************************************************************** * Function: read_ppm_image * Purpose: This function reads in an image in PPM format. The image can be * read in from either a file or from standard input. The image is only read * from standard input when infilename = NULL. Because the PPM format includes * the number of columns and the number of rows in the image, these are read * from the file. Memory to store the image is allocated in this function. * All comments in the header are discarded in the process of reading the * image. Upon failure, this function returns 0, upon sucess it returns 1. ******************************************************************************/ int read_ppm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image_red, unsigned char **image_grn, unsigned char **image_blu, int *rows, int *cols) { FILE *fp; char buf[71]; int p, size; /*************************************************************************** * Open the input image file for reading if a filename was given. If no * filename was provided, set fp to read from standard input. ***************************************************************************/ if(infilename == NULL) fp = stdin; else{ if((fp = fopen(infilename, "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the file %s in read_ppm_image().\n", infilename); return(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * Verify that the image is in PPM format, read in the number of columns * and rows in the image and scan past all of the header information. ***************************************************************************/ fgets(buf, 70, fp); if(strncmp(buf,"P6",2) != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "The file %s is not in PPM format in ", infilename); fprintf(stderr, "read_ppm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */ sscanf(buf, "%d %d", cols, rows); do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */ /*************************************************************************** * Allocate memory to store the image then read the image from the file. ***************************************************************************/ if(((*image_red) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } if(((*image_grn) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } if(((*image_blu) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n"); if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return(0); } size = (*rows)*(*cols); for(p=0;p