A Finite Sample Minimaxity Study of Model Selection Procedures based on FDR control


Yoav Benjamini and Yulia Gavrilov[1]


Technical Report

Department of Statistics and Operations Research

Tel Aviv University





The use of False Discovery Rate (FDR) controlling procedure in model selection, in the form of penalized residual sum of squares, is asymptotically minimax for  loss, simultaneously throughout a range of sparsity classes for an orthogonal design matrix (Abromovich et al 2000). In this work we discuss the finite sample performance of such variable selection procedures as well as others that are based on penalty based versions of FDR controlling procedures. We show by a simulation study that the FDR controlling procedures have minimax performance in this setting as well. We do that by comparing the performances of competing model selection procedures on different data sets, with the reference performance being that of a newly defined “random oracle” – the oracle model selection performance on data dependent nested family of potential models. At the range of configurations studied, 20-160 potential variables two methods performed well: Tibshirani-Knight based penalty and Benjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli multiple stages FDR testing based penalty. The latter is somewhat better for the largest problems. Further gain is possible if the FDR level is adjusted to the problem size and the correlation structure of the explanatory variables. Fixed penalty per parameter methods such as Forward Selection, Cp (or AIC) perform poorly even at these not too big problem sizes.


Key Words: Linear regression, AIC, Forward Selection, Multiple testing, Random oracle

















1. Introduction


The problem of variable selection has attracted the attention of both applied and theoretical statisticians for a long time. Consider the widely used linear model, , where Y is a response variable, is an nªm matrix of potential explanatory variables,  is a vector of unknown coefficients (some coefficients may equal zero), and  is a random error. We want to select an appropriate subset from the collection of the above m explanatory variables in order to predict linearly the response variable. Selecting such a subset is a difficult task: either too large or too small subset leads to a large prediction error. The difficulty has tremendously increased with the increasing size of the pool of explanatory variables encountered in recent applications in data mining and bioinformatics.

There has been a wide range of contributions to solution of this selection problem. To name a few of the most popular: Akaike’s information criteria (AIC), which is motivated by using the expected Kullback-Leibler information; Mallow’s Cp, which is based on the unbiased risk estimation; Forward Selection and Backward Elimination which are based on hypotheses testing and so on. Many of these selection criteria can be described as choosing an appropriate subset of variables by adding a penalty function to the loss function we wish to minimize. They differ by the nature of the penalizing function, which is usually chosen to increase in the number of variables already included in the model (see Miller 1990 for a comprehensive summary of various traditional selection procedures).

The above four examples share the same form of penalty function. The appropriate subset is chosen by minimizing a model selection criterion of the form:, where is the residual sum of squares for a model with k=|S| parameters and λ is the penalization parameter. The first two use λ=2, and the last two λ= z2a/2. Furthermore, the first two look for a global minimum while the second two search for the first and last minima respectively. An important common feature, though, is that the penalty per additional parameter λ is fixed.

It has recently been shown, in practice as well as theory, that variable selection procedures with a fixed (nonadaptive) penalty are not effective when the real model size can vary widely, which is the case when the problem is large in the sense that potential number of explanatory variables is large (Shen and Ye (2002), George and Foster (1997)). Procedures that perform well in one situation may perform poorly in other situations. For instance, a large penalty per each parameter entered into the model is likely to perform well when the size of the true model is small or the true model has a parsimonious representation, but will fail when most variables should be handled. For the last case small penalty is appropriate but it is likely to give rise to many variables spuriously included when the true model is small. In summary, for large problems, we need an adaptive variable selection procedure that performs well across a variety of situations.

Interestingly model selection can be viewed as multiple hypotheses testing problem, in the sense that a variable that is included in a linear model has a non zero coefficient, while a variable that is dropped has a zero coefficient. It is natural to address such a decision using hypotheses testing approach, and in fact in the orthogonal design case the fixed penalty per parameter is equivalent to testing at some fixed level alpha of each coefficient. Viewing our task as a multiple testing problem, we have to face with the problem caused by the multiplicity of the errors that have to be controlled simultaneously. The most familiar approach is Bonferroni that controls the probability of rejecting any null hypotheses erroneously. The control of such a stringent criterion leads to too few predictors entering the model. At the other extreme lies the strategy to ignore the multiplicity issue altogether, and test each hypotheses at level α.

We discuss a new criterion for variable selection, based on controlling the False Discovery Rate (FDR) that was advocated in Abramovich et al, 2000, hereafter ABDJ. FDR control is a relatively recent innovation in simultaneous testing, defined as the expected proportion of true null hypotheses rejected out of the total number of null hypotheses rejected (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995, hereafter BH). For an orthogonal design matrix it has been show that the linear step-up FDR controlling procedure in BH is asymptotically minimax for  loss, simultaneously throughout a range of sparsity classes– (ABDJ). This FDR controlling procedure is data adaptive, easy to implement, and as ABDJ show can be phrased via a penalty function. The penalty per parameter increases with the size of the problem, and for a given problem size the penalty is highest when the true model contains no variables and smallest when the true model contains all potential variables.

The purpose of this modest work is to check by a simulation study two additional aspects. First, whether the conclusions of ABDJ are also valid for (i) non-orthogonal design matrices (ii) models of finite size (iii) Non-sparse true models, in the sense that they may include a large fraction of the potential variables (and even all). Second, under the above conditions, to check whether newer adaptive FDR controlling procedures offer further advantage over the BH procedure.

The asymptotic analysis of Donoho and Johnstone (1994) used an oracle as a benchmark for comparing the performance of competing methods. The question of the benchmark for comparison of performance is more difficult in finite setting and for non-orthogonal designs. We discuss (in Section 3) some options, and in particular choose to compare the performance of the model selection procedures considered here to the performance of an “oracle”. We do that by conditioning over the nested sequence of models derived from a forward selection procedure used exhaustively (with no penalty), and evaluating the optimal size of a model over this data dependent sequence. This “random oracle” is our benchmark for comparisons and minimaxity evaluation.

In the next section we review non-constant penalized model selection methods that have emerged in recent years including the adaptive FDR controlling methods from Benjamini et al (2001) as much needed alternative to the fixed penalty methods. In Section 4 we describe the simulation study and the results are reported and analyzed in Section 5. We end by two applications of the leading competitors to a Quantitative Trait Locus analysis in search for a modifier gene, and the prediction of infant weight on birth, and a discussion of the implications of this study.


2.    Model Selection Procedure With Non-Constant Penalty


As we mentioned before, most of the penalized variable selection procedures share the same form of penalty function and differ only by the value of penalization coefficient, λ. They can be divided into three groups: constant λ,  λ that is the function of the size of the set of variables over which the model is searched ,  and  λ that is a function of both m and the size of the model (k ) .

More traditional variable selection procedures choose the appropriate subset by using the constant λ (AIC, BIC). Donoho and Jonhstone (1994) suggested using 2log(m) as the universal threshold leading to. As noted before, the constant λ may be interpreted as a fixed level testing. For example, AIC and Cp procedures, that use λ=2, are equal to test each hypothesis at level 0.16. Donoho and Jonhstone threshold can also be viewed as a multiple testing Bonferroni procedure at the level  i. e.. Note that, when.


2.1       The BH based penalty


ABDJ presented the following FDR controlling procedure in a penalized form with a variable penalty per parameter.

Associated with  is its p-value,  and  ordered according to their size p-values. The linear step-up procedure in BH runs as follows:

1.      Let

2.      If such a k exists, reject the k hypotheses associated with . If no such k exists, then none of the hypotheses is rejected.

This FDR procedure can be approximated by a penalized method with a variable penalty factor . The procedure itself exactly corresponds to the largest local minimum with the above penalty.

The FDR parameter q plays an essential role in asymptotic minimaxity theory in ABDJ. Even if we allow qm for problem of size m, but in such a way that qmq<1/2, when m→∞, then it is sufficient for asymptotic minimaxity. In contrast, if the limit q>1/2 asymptotic minimaxity is prevented.

It is interesting to note that by for large m and k=o(m) the BH penalty can be approximated by 2log(2m/qk) penalty, penalties of the form that will be discussed in 2.3.


2.2 Other FDR based penalties


Building upon the penalized approach to the BH multiple testing procedure in ABDJ, we present here various other FDR testing procedures, and their approximation by a penalized form. When the test statistics are independent or have positive regression dependency the BH procedure controls the FDR at level , where  is an unknown number of true null hypotheses. Of course, if  is known, then q can be replaced by , and the FDR of the above procedure at level q' is exactly at the right level q. This motivates two-stage procedures, where at the first stage the value of  is estimated and at the second stage utilizes the estimates in the BH. One such two-stage procedure, suggested by Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli (2001) can be described as follows:

1.      Use the BH procedure at level q′=q/(1+q). Let be the number of rejected hypotheses. If  reject no hypotheses and stop. If  reject all m hypotheses and stop; otherwise

2.      Let

3.      Use the linear step up procedure at level .

This two-stage procedure controls the FDR at the desired level q. A slight modification where q is used at stage one and q′=q/(1+q) in stage two only, was shown by a simulation study to control the FDR at level q as well. Both versions were shown in the same simulation study to control the FDR for positively correlated test statistics.

This testing procedure can be approximated by minimizing twice BH penalized functions, once with q and once with the data dependent q*.  It cannot be simply approximated by a single penalty function.

The above two-stage procedure has been generalized by Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli (2001) to a multiple stage procedure that can be described as the step-down procedure as follows:


1.      Let

2.      If such a k exists, reject the k hypotheses associated with ; otherwise reject no hypothesis.

The multiple stage FDR procedure can be approximated by a penalized method with the following variable penalty factor .

Note, that in two and multiple stage procedures the hypotheses can be rejected even if its p-value is greater than 0.5, or in extreme cases for whatever its value is. This is not surprising, since all the hypotheses are tested simultaneously and the control of FDR allows a few erroneous rejections if many correct rejections have already been made. If there are situations where one does not want to reject those hypotheses with large p-values, he may simply add the constraint that the hypotheses cannot be rejected if the corresponding p-value is larger than some prespecified value, leading to .


2.3 Other non-constant penalties


Several independent groups of researchers have recently proposed model selection rules with penalty factors that is function of both m and k:

1.      Foster and Stine (1997) arrived at a penalty  from information theoretic considerations.

2.      Tibshirani and Knight (1999) propose model selection using a covariance inflation criterion that adjusts the training error by the average covariance of predictions and responses on permuted versions of dataset. In the case of orthogonal regression, their proposal takes the form of complexity penalized residual sum of squares, with the complexity penalty approximately of the above form, but larger by a factor of 2: .

3.      Birgé and Massart have studied complexity penalized model selection for a large class of penalty functions, specifically designed to include penalties of the form . They develop non-asymptotic risk bounds for such procedures over  balls.

4.      Finally, George and Foster (1997) adopt an empirical Bayes approach, drawing the components from a mixture prior  and then estimating the hyperparameters (w, C) from the data. They argue that the resulting estimator penalizes the addition of a kth variable by a quantity close to .


2.4 Search strategy


In principle, in order to get an appropriate subset of variables by some strategy, we should check all candidate models and choose the subset that minimizes the sum of the RSS and the penalty. In problems of even medium size it is technically impossible to apply such exhaustive search. For example, the upper computational limits are m≤30 in Splus and m≤100 in SAS. Another possibility is to select the best model over a backward or forward path of nested models. Such a path is data dependent and may be constructed using a greedy algorithm. Although the collection of models along the “forward/backward path” need not contain the best overall one, it is practically been the most common way this problem in handled. Note that if the design matrix is orthogonal the paths generated by the forward selection and the backward elimination is the same. Once the design matrix is non-orthogonal, these two may yield different paths. Having in mind current large applications where the number of variable considered may be larger than the number of observations available, we adhere in this work to the path generated by forward selection.  The result is a random (data dependent) path of nested models of size k, k=1,2,..,m. All penalized procedures search for a global minimum of the penalized loss on this sequence.

Forward selection and backward elimination may also differ in the resulting model even when they produce the same path, because they have different stopping rules that stem from the different directions of search. Only if or constant we get the same solution by both forward and backward search, a solution that is also the global minimum. For the adaptive penalty coefficients  the three need not coincide even in the orthogonal case.

Regarding the BH procedure in its penalized form, it was shown by ABDJ that for the orthogonal design matrix the difference between the locations of rightmost minimum (the backward elimination solution) and leftmost local minimum (the forward selection solution) is uniformly small enough on sparse spaces. The rightmost minimum corresponds to the BH, the leftmost minimum corresponds to a testing procedure that also controls the FDR (Sarkar, 2002). Therefore the asymptotic minimaxity of the global minimum holds for the other two as well. Moreover, by their numerical results these indices are often identical.

We shall use a similar approach with the new FDR testing based penalties, searching for the global minimum rather then by the direction indicated by the testing procedure.


   3.  The Comparisons Between Different Selection Procedures

To make a fair comparison between different selection procedures we use σ =1 for all of the procedures so that we can separate the task of variable selection from that of estimating the unknown σ.

For each configuration of parameters (the configurations will be defined in section 4.2) the goodness of fit of each estimator was measured by its mean square predicted error . In order to compare estimators across different configurations the relative errors have to be defined in order to neutralize the configuration’s effect and enable us to compare the wide range of the situations. Note, that for each configuration separately, an estimator that minimizes the MSPE minimizes also the relative error.

 Since in a real dataset the configuration of parameters is unknown, we would like to find the variable selection procedure whose maximum relative MSPE is minimal over a wide range of configurations, i.e. the method that is the minimax solution.

There are several possibilities to define the base against which the relative error is evaluated.

1.      Real Model

In a simulation study the subset of true predictors and their effects are known, therefore we can build the true model and compute its mean square predicted error that will be noted as . Then the relative MSPE for each estimator is evaluated as .

2.      Oracle Model

The second way to find the best estimator is to compare each MSPE with theoretical minimal MSPE. The estimators of the coefficients that are based on the real model are unbiased and its MSPE is composed only of the variance term. By deleting some explanatory variables whose coefficients are very small but not zero, we may be able to get a biased model that enjoys smaller MSPE. The best such model is defined as an oracle model and its mean square predicted error will be noted as . 

For orthogonal vector of parameters the ideal risk (that is defined as 2-loss) is attained if only those parameters that are larger than the noise level are estimated (Donoho and Jonhstone 1995). In our case it means that the oracle model should consists only of those explanatory variables for which absolute value of coefficient is larger than its noise level i.e.,. For any finite model it can easily be shown that deleting a true variable that does not satisfy the above condition decreases the MSPE.

For dependent predictors we can imitate the above by applying the following procedure: the first step for dependent predictors is equal to that of orthogonal predictors, i.e., the variable with the smallest effect should be dropped from the true model if its absolute value of coefficient is smaller than the noise level. Further steps are more complicated because the model gets bias. They still involve comparing the size of β with its standard error but it also involves the correlation structure as well as the size of the parameters that already left out. It can be shown that the k-th explanatory variable should be kept in the model if: . In particular case where all correlations are equal we get, where  and . Because of the dependency such a search does not necessary produce the best possible subset of predictors, and at the same time may be irrelevant for the purpose of performance comparisons.

3.      Random Oracle

Therefore, we turn to defining the random oracle. As explained above, it is practical to confine ourselves to using a stepwise search of forward selection. While the stepwise search does not guarantee that the global optimizer is located as one of the nested models, the performances of tested selection procedures are beforehand restricted. Thus the oracle MSPE is still idealistic a base value for a comparison with MSPE of other methods. In order to get a more appropriate comparison we define an oracle on a sequence of nested models, where the sequence exhausts all variables. The sequence may be random in the sense that it depends on X and Y, as is the case when using forward selection. The random oracle selects an appropriate subset of variables along the path of nested models, but taking the values of the real coefficients into account. Let us denote its performance by MSPEoracle(X,Y). Then, we compare the performance of each procedure on the same random sequence relative to the performance of the random oracle. This comparison is more appropriate because it neutralizes the stochastic component in the comparison that depends on the chosen sequence of nested models (a path in the model space) and gives us a common basis for all procedures even if the chosen path is far from optimal.

4.      Best Performer

We can also compare each MSPE with the best estimator among the tested ones, i.e., the one achieving the minimum MSPE at that configuration. From this point of view, the performance of i-th selection rule can be measured by the ratio . The closer this ratio to one, the better the estimator is. The deficiency of this approach is that the results depend on specific selection procedures included in the study. If we chose some other procedures, we might get different results and conclusions. In particular if we omitted a good procedure at some configuration it might significantly change the ratio.


Note, that we give two meanings for forward selection: we keep the term “forward selection” for the procedure that selects the sequence of nested models (by series of z-tests if σ is known, F-tests if σ is unknown) along with using fixed level testing to decide whether to enter one more variable. We use the term “forward path selection” for the calculated sequence of nested models generated by forward selection without testing. Different selection procedures can select an appropriate model on this sequence accordingly to their stopping rule.  


4.  Simulation Study

A Simulation study was performed to compare the efficiency of the FDR controlling procedures and some other selection rules.


4.1 The procedures

Ten model selection procedures were compared with the random oracle and the true model performance:

1.      The Linear Step-up procedure in BH - FDR

2.      The two-stage FDR procedure (the modified version) in Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli - TSFDR

3.      The multiple-stage procedure in  - MSFDR

4.      Forward selection procedure - FWD

5.      The procedure in Foster and Stine (1997) - FS

6.      The procedure in Tibshirani and Knight (1999)- TK

7.      The procedure in Birgé and Massart (2001) - BM

8.      The procedure in George and Foster (1997) - GF

9.      The universal threshold in Donoho and Johnstone (1994) - DJ

10.  AIC (Cp) procedure.

The first four procedures were implemented at levels: 0.05,0.10, 0.25, 0.50, resulting in 22 model selection procedures.


4.2 The Configurations Investigated

Simulations are conducted with correlated and independent covariates. A random sample  is generated according to , . The number of potential explanatory variables, m is 20, 40, 80 and 160, the number of real explanatory variables (with non-zero coefficients) is p=, m/4, m/3, m/2, 3m/4, and m. The number of observations n is always 2m, and σ =1. For each m, three design matrices were generated for three values of , from  with  whose diagonal elements are 1 and whose ijth element is  for . For each configuration of the parameters defined above, three different choices of β are considered:

(1) .

(2)  for p=m/2,  for p=m/3,  for p=m/4,  for p=3m/4 and  for p=m, so the smallest non zerowill be always. For p=√m  was chosen uniformly on the interval (1/m, 1 ).

Configuration (2) differs from configuration (1) both in the rate of decrease and in the fact that the minimal  is constant across p. In both configurations  is chosen so that the standard error of the least squares estimators of the coefficients in the true model will be approximately equal for all values of m.

(3), where the value of c(p) is chosen to give a theoretical . The value of  c(p)  decreases as p increases.

Configuration (3) was chosen as it has been used by several authors as a test case in their simulation studies. (George, Foster, 2000; Shen, Ye, 2002). Therefore, it was interesting to include it in the current study as well.

 The intercept for all configurations was chosen , so that it is practically always included in the model.

In our first simulation study (not reported here) five types of coefficients with different  factors were tested. The configurations of coefficients presented here expose extreme performances for all compared selection procedures to the better or the worse.


4.3 Computational procedures

The performance of each model selection procedure in each configuration was measured by its mean square predicted error averaged over 1000 replications. The computational task involved in the current study was beyond achievement using a single computer within a reasonable time frame. We therefore utilized the software tool for computer-intensive jobs, Condor (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/), which allows running serially and in parallel jobs, using the large collections of distributively owned computing resources. In our case we used the approximately 80 computers in our Students Computer Lab at the Schools of Computer Sciences and Mathematical Sciences at Tel Aviv University (operating on LINUX).

Standard errors for the relative performance of each method to the random oracle were approximated from standard errors of MSPE from the simulation results, following (Cochran).


5. The Simulation Results

Figure 1 presents the MSPE values of all studied FDR procedures at levels 0.05, 0.10 and 0.25 relative to those of the random oracle estimator over all configurations for each m and ρ separately. Based on our simulation results, and as indicated by ABDJ, q=0.50 never leads to the best performances. Therefore, FDR procedures at level 0.50 are not presented in figure 1.

It can be seen from figure 1 that the FDR control parameter q plays an important role in achieving the minimal loss in each specific configuration studied. Take, for example, m=160, ρ=0, “Sqrt”. For configuration with “1” (), using q=0.05 is best for all FDR procedures, while under the same setting for “6” (p=m) q=0.25 is the best. As expected, the small values of q perform better in “small” models and vice versa. However, the information available for the model builder is only on m, sometimes on ρ, rarely vaguely on p and never on the structure of the coefficients. Therefore, if we choose q using a minimax consideration over the last two we get table 1 that summarizes the preferable values of q for the FDR procedures.


Table 1: The preferable values of q for tested FDR procedures.






m=20 and 40













General correlation

















General correlation

















General correlation





From this table it seems that the smaller values of q (0.05 and 0.1) perform better than q=0.25. In addition, while the optimal choice of q for BH procedure varies across different m values, within the same size m it varied only in the configuration ρ=-05.

  For TSFDR procedure the optimal values of q are more stable as m changes, and even more so for the MSFDR procedure. The actual relative MSPE achieved by the two methods are quite close to each other

BH procedure performs better than adaptive FDR procedures (two and multiple stage) only for “small” models, where meaning of “small” depends on both p and m size. For example, p up to m/3 for m=20 and p up to  for m=160. Note that the relative loss of using the adaptive procedures instead of BH in “small” models is less than the relative loss of using BH instead of adaptive procedures in rich models. Therefore by minimax criterion we recommend to use adaptive FDR procedures. The advantage of this using will be greater as bigger the m and richer the model. Note that for all FDR procedures the relative loss to random oracle is decreases as bigger the m, which means that in the large problems (m=160 and above) the performances of FDR procedures will be very close to those of the random oracle. The maximal loss relatively to random oracle of BH procedure at 0.05 gets up to 1.72, 1.78, 1.98 and 1.87, of two stage FDR procedure at 0.05 gets up to 1.62, 1.74, 1.82 and 1.81, of multiple stage FDR procedure at 0.05 gets up to 1.47, 1.72, 1.77 and 1.79 for m=20, 40, 80, 160 respectively.

Based on above, for the range of situations investigated here, if a single FDR based model selection procedure should be recommended with a single fixed q – we recommend the use of MSFDR at 0.05.


Table 2: the maximal mean MSPE values relative to those of the random

  oracle (based on 1000 replications).








2.80 (0.068)

2.87 (0.061)

2.84 (0.043)

3.59 (0.098)


4.77 (0.096)

4.87 (0.096)

4.88 (0.069)

6.88 (0.193)


2.34 (0.022)

2.78 (0.021)

3.05 (0.016)

2.58 (0.010)


4.47 (0.064)

5.15 (0.106)

6.61 (0.137)

5.09 (0.110)


3.07 (0.097)

3.62 (0.090)

3.35 (0.059)

3.35 (0.068)


1.66 (0.028)

1.71 (0.015)

1.72 (0.010)

1.99 (0.010)

MSFDR 0.05

1.47 (0.031)

1.72 (0.012)

1.77 (0.010)

1.79 (0.008)


The numbers in parentheses are the corresponding standard errors of the relative loss (mean MSPE value of each method divided by mean MSPE value of random oracle)

The numbers that are emphasized by border are the minimal relative loss. The numbers in the gray cells are in the range of one standard error from the minimal relative loss.


From this point of view the two leading procedures are MSFDR 0.05 and the TK, each one achieving minimax performance for two problem sizes. Still, comparing just these two, the inefficiency of the MSFDR relative to TK is maximally 2.9%, while the other way around it is 12.9%., and for m=40 the two are hardly distinguishable.

The maximal relative loss by DJ procedure gets up 3.05 and is performing better in our study than the other variable penalties that depend both on m and p that reach 3.62 for FS and 6.61 for BM.  Cp and FWD at 0.05 get up to 6.88 and 3.59, and further note that the values in the table increase as m increase indicating the increasing deterioration of performance for large problems. But even for our small problems they do not perform well.

So far we have done the comparisons only utilizing the information about m. If further information is available on the structure of the dependency among the explanatory variables we may wish to look into the results on the finer resolution. Figure 2 summarizes for each m and ρ separately the mean MSPE values relative to those of the random oracle over the subset of configurations of interest as discussed in Section 4.2. The results are presented for the selection procedures discussed in Section 4.1, and the MSFDR at 0.05 as the single FDR candidate.

The general result is quite similar to the one previously described in the sense that MSFDR and the TK are always the minimax procedures, about half “wins” for each. Generally, the MSFDR has the advantage for m=20 and m=160, the TK for the other two, with very small differences for m=40. If we further allow q to depend on m and ρ, then when the TK has the advantage the two have similar performance and when the MSFDR takes the lead the TK is further behind. The least favorable situations for both were usually the extreme models either the smallest or the largest. The structure of the coefficients was either a constant or decay as the square root.

 The performance of the DJ procedure is similar for all values of ρ. Large models strain its performance, as can be expected. It performs better for sparse models although it is never the best, as predicted by the asymptotic theory.

The performance of BM procedure was worse by minimax criterion compared to above procedures with non-constant penalty, although in some situations this procedure was the best among the tested ones. For example, for ρ=-0.5 and constant coefficients for m=20, 40 and 80 the performances of BM procedure were as good as those of random oracle. Its maximal relative loss occurs for the configurations where coefficients decay as a square root, mostly for extreme size of true model: too sparse or too rich.

Performances of two methods (AIC, Forward selection) with fixed λ were systematically worse (by minimax criterion) compared to the mentioned above adaptive penalties. These methods perform better when the size of the true model is large, but for small model sizes the loss relatively to the random oracle of using forward selection is high.

GF procedures perform poorly (more than 20 fold) in spite of its adaptive penalty (therefore this procedure is not presented at fig.2). This happens because the penalty function of the method is not high enough for the first variables that enter the model comparing to other adaptive procedures studied here. In addition the penalty is not increasing monotonically, and therefore yields overfitted models. The penalty of GF procedure starts to decrease as the model includes more than m/2 variable. Thus, if m/2 explanatory variables get into the model, automatically we are bound to include all variables.


6.   Examples

6.1  Modifiers genes for the Bronx waltzer mutation

The experiment was conducted in order to identify the genetic factors that influence the behavior and the hearing ability of the bv strain of mice. This strain has a recessive mutation located in chromosome 5. By studying the effect of other genes on the hearing ability via a linear regression model, their modifying effect on the bv mutation can be assessed. Thus the explanatory variables are the dummy variables representing the markers where the information about each mouse genome is available. Such information was available to us about 45 markers on 5 chromosomes only, but the selected chromosomes were all those that exhibited markers with nominal significance (p<0.1) in the initial statistical analysis conducted by investigators. All work with the mice and the initial statistical analysis was performed in Karen P. Steel’s laboratory.

Had there been no initial selection we could use the investigated model selection procedure with m=45. We by-pass the difficulty assuming that the number of initial tested markers on each chromosome was approximately the same, so we set the total number of tested markers as m ≈ 45(19/5)=171. It is known from the literature that there should be the positive correlation between the markers at the same chromosome and no correlation between the markers at the different chromosomes, so we can make use of the results of simulation study for m=160 and ρ=0.5, and choose q=0.1 for all FDR procedures. All other procedures were applied to these data.

Most of the variable penalty tested procedures yield the same results. DJ, TK, FS and all FDR procedures found a single significant marker that is located at chromosome 4 (D4Mit125). BM procedure did not find any significant marker. In contrast the forward selection found an additional significant marker at chromosome 9, and Cp found 13 significant markers that are scattered over all 5 chromosomes. From another statistical analyses (Yakobov et al 2001) it was found that there are two significant QTL regions, the first near D4Mit168 and the second between D4Mit125 and D4Mit54 (both at chromosome 4). Note, that there is a very strong positive correlation between the markers of chromosome 4 (up to 0.98) which can explain the why a linear regression method discovered one marker on chromosome 4 but not the other.

6.2  Prediction of infant weight at birth

The data of this example come from a study (Salomon et al., 2004). There are 64 different potential explanatory variables such as personal characteristics (weight, age, smoking, etc.), health status (diabetes, hypertension, etc.), prothrombotic factors, and the results of the different tests performed during the pregnancy (including their dates). The predictors are such that we can make no assumption about the type of the dependency among them we face.

Based on the simulation results for m=80 we choose q=0.1 for the linear step-up and two stage FDR procedure and q=0.05 for the multiple stage FDR procedure. The Cp method resulted in 10 significant predictors, the forward selection method in 7 significant explanatory variables, FS - 5 significant ones, TK, DJ and BM procedures all found only 2 significant variables and all FDR procedures found 4 significant variables to be included in the linear model. The predictors that were found by FDR procedures are: the length of the pregnancy, the estimated embryo weight at the second test, the mother’s weight when she was born and the variable indicating whether cesarean section was planned or not. All of these are known from the literature as good single predictors for infant weight at the birth. As it turns from the analysis using all four together in the model turn out to further improve prediction.


7.  Discussion

In summary, there are two procedures that perform well in all tested situations – TK and the multiple stage FDR procedure at level 0.05, an advantage to the MSFDR at large problems. In order to understand the similarity and differences in the results for the TK and MSFDR procedures over the studied range of configurations we plot the penalty per coefficient in Figure 3. As evident from this figure, the penalty of the MSFDR procedure is lower for the first variables that enter the model than the penalty of the TK, and higher for the rest of the variables. The penalty of MSFDR begins like the BH procedure and ends like the TK procedure.

For m=160 the worst performances of both procedures are achieved at the same configuration for constant coefficients. The oracle for this configuration leaves all variables in the model. When the mean number of the predictors in the models by both procedures is less than m/5.5 (about 30 variables) the performances of FDR procedures are better than TK. In this range the FDR penalties are more lenient comparing to the TK penalty and, therefore, enter more variables into the model, yielding better prediction. Such configurations are generally least favorable for the TK penalty and in these configurations an adaptive FDR procedures (two stage and multiple stage) perform better than the linear step up procedure. When the mean number of the predictors in the models by both procedures is more than m/5.5 we get an opposite situation, because in this range the TK penalties are more lenient. When the mean number of the predictors in the models by both procedures is about m/5.5 the performances are similar.

Tibshirani and Knight (1999) originally suggested a complex procedure for model selection in the general, and the TK penalty (used here) was developed as the equivalent for the orthogonal design matrix. It is thus interesting to note that in most cases in our simulation the performances of this penalty in correlated data were better than in the case of ρ=0. The comparison with the actual covariance estimation procedure remains to be seen, but we think that the much simpler penalty based selection method will perform about the same, in minimax sense.

As noted before allowing dependency on q in the MSFDR is hardly a limitation since m is always known. The simulation study in ABDJ for the orthogonal case studied the BH performance for m=1024 and 65536, and the recommended value was about q=0.4. It does seem that the optimal q increases in m, but of course cannot exceed 0.5.

Since we got the same value of q for optimality in the general case as in ρ=0, the above indication may hold promise for the general case as well. The dependency of q on m, and possibly on other factors known to the modeler, is an interesting research problem that will benefit from further theoretical and empirical study.

 A problem that has not been addressed in this article is the estimation of the standard deviation of the error. In real problems this parameter is usually unknown. Even though the statistical literature includes many proposals, the estimation is a real challenge when number of predictors is large, especially when it is larger than the number of observations.



Figure 1: MSPE values relative to the random oracle of penalized FDR procedures: The line type expresses the procedure, BH (–), TSFDR (….), MSFDR () and the symbol the level of FDR control 5% (○), 10% (∆) and 25%  (+).




Figure 2: MSPE values relative to the random oracle: MSFDR (Δ), DJ (+), FS(ª), BM )), TK (), FWD 5% (), Cp (). 





Figure 3:  Comparing the Multiple Stage FDR and the Tibshirani-Knight penalties at the studied problem sizes. The solid line for MSFDR at 0.05 and the dotted line for TK procedure.



Let X be the nxp matrix of true explanatory variables. We can express X=ZR, where R is the correlation matrix Z is an approximately orthogonal matrix. Let  , where, , , are the correlation matrices of k, (p-k), (k-1) and (p-k+1) variables respectively. At the same way we can define the , , ,  and the, , , . 

It is known that mean square predicted error of model that consists of k variable is:


In a similar way,






The difference between the first terms of and  is:


Now, define


In the model with (k-1) variables we get:

The second term in the expression for the is,


Expressing in terms of  we get


 , where , whose inverse can be written as    



The second term in  is




Now, the difference between the  and  is:


Dividing this difference by E, and using the next equality , we get that the kth coefficient should remain in the model if:



In the particular case where all correlations are equal we get:


, where  and .


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[1] This work was supported by BSF grant 1999441