YOAV BENJAMINI – Partial List of Peer-reviewed Publications
(Some papers appear under more than one heading)
Selective Inference and False Discovery
Rate (FDR)
Y. Hochberg, Y. Benjamini (1990) More
powerful procedures for multiple significance testing. Statistics in Medicine 9, 811-818. (Cited 2,900)
Y. Benjamini, Y. Hochberg (1995). Controlling the False Discovery Rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 57, 1, 289-300. (Cited ~109,000) (Number 59 in citations all across Science, Nature 2014)
Benjamini, Y., Stark P.B. (1996) Nonequivariant simultaneous confidence intervals less likely to contain zero. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91, 329-337.
Benjamini, Y. Hochberg Y. (1997) Multiple
hypotheses testing with weights. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics, 24,3,407-419
Benjamini, Y., Hochberg Y., Stark P.B. (1998). Confidence intervals with more power to determine the sign: two ends constrain the means. Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, 441, 309-317.
D., Benjamini,Y. (1999) Resampling based False Discovery Rate controlling
procedure for dependent test statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning ad
Inference, 82,171-196.
Benjamini, Y., Hochberg Y. (2000) On the adaptive control of the false discovery rate in multiple comparison problems. The Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 25,1,60-83. (Cited ~1900)
Benjamini, Y., Drai,
D. Elmer G., Kafkafi N., Golani I. (2001). Controlling the false discovery rate in behavior genetics research. Behavioural Brain Research, 125 (1-2): 279-284. (Cited ~3900)
Benjamini Y. Yekutieli D.
(2001) The control of the
False Discovery Rate in multiple testing under dependency. The Annals of Statistics, 29
(4): 1165-1188. (Cited ~11,000)
Reiner A., Yekutieli D. Benjamini Y. (2003) Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes Using False Discovery Rate Controlling Procedures Bioinformatics, 19,3,368-375. (Cited ~2,000)
Benjamini, Y., Yekutieli
Y. (2005) False discovery rate controlling confidence intervals for
selected parameters. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 100,469,71-80.
Benjamini, Y., Yekutieli
Y. (2005) Rejoinder to ‘False discovery rate controlling confidence
intervals for selected parameters.’ Journal
of the American Statistical Association, 100,469,90-93.
Benjamini Y. Yekutieli D. (2005) The False Discovery Rate Approach to Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis. Genetics, 171 (2),783-789.
Abramovich F. Benjamini
Y. (1996) Adaptive thresholding
of wavelet coefficients Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 22, 351-361.
Abramovich F., Benjamini
Y., Donoho D., Johnstone I.M. (2006) Adapting to unknown sparsity by
controlling the false discovery rate. The
Annals of Statistics 34,584-653.
Benjamini, Y.,
Krieger, A.M., Yekutieli D. (2006) Adaptive
linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate. Biometrika 93 (3): 491-507. (Cited ~3,000)
Yekutieli D, Reiner-Benaim
A, Benjamini Y, Elmer GI, Kafkafi
N, Letwin NE, Lee NH (2006) Approaches to
multiplicity issues in complex research in microarray analysis. Statistica Neerlandica
60 (4): 414-437.
Reiner-Benaim A, Yekutieli D, Letwin NE, Elmer GI, Lee NH, Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y (2007). Associating quantitative behavioral traits with gene expression in the brain: searching for diamonds in the hay. Bioinformatics,2239-2246.
Heller R., Stanley D., Yekutieli
D., Rubin N., Benjamini Y. (2006) Cluster-based analysis of FMRI data. Neuroimage 33 (2): 599-608.
Heller, R., Golland Y., Malach R., Benjamini Y. (2007) Conjunction group analysis:
An alternative to mixed/random effect analysis. NeuroImage 1178–1185.
Benjamini, Y., Heller, R. (2007) False discovery rate for spatial data. Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 1272-1281.
Benjamini, Y., Heller, R. (2008) Screening for partial conjunction
hypotheses. Biometrics,
Kimel, MT, Benjamini, Y., Steinberg, DM.
(2008) The false discovery rate for multiple testing in factorial experiments. Technometrics,
Benjamini Y., Gavrilov, Y. (2009) A simple forward selection procedure based
on false discovery rate control. Annals
of Applied Statistics,3,1, 179-198.
Benjamini, Y., Heller, R., Yekutieli,
Y. (2009) Selective Inference in Complex Research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society A,367, 4255-4271.
Gavrilov, Y., Benjamini,
Y., Sarkar, SK. (2009) An adaptive step-down procedure with proven FDR
control under independence. Annals of
Statistics, 37,2, 619-629.
Benjamini, Y., Gavrilov, Y, (2009) A simple forward selection procedure base based on false discovery rate control. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1, 179-198.
Benjamini, Y (2010) Discovering the false discovery rate. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 72,405-416.
Simultaneous and selective inference: current
successes and future challenges. Biometrical
Journal, 708-721.
Benjamini, Y. Madar, V. Stark, PB. (2013). Simultaneous confidence intervals more likely to determine the sign Biometrika, 283-300.
Weinstein, A., Fithian, W., Benjamini, Y.
(2013) Selection
Adjusted Confidence Intervals With More Power to Determine the Sign .
Benjamini,Y., Hechtlinger, Y.
(2013) Discussion: An estimate of the science-wise false
discovery rate and applications to top medical journals by Jager and Leek. Biostatistics15, 13-16.
Benjamini, Y., Bogomolov, M. (2014) Selective
inference on multiple families of hypotheses. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES B,
Rosenblatt, J.D., Benjamini,
Y. (2014) Selective Inference; not voodoo. Neuroimage. 2014 Aug 19. pii:
S1053-8119(14)00691-0. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.
Benjamini, Y., Cohen, R. (2017) Weighted False Discovery Rate controlling procedure
for Clinical Trials. Biostatistics, 18,1,91-104.
Peterson CB, Bogomolov M, Benjamini Y, Sabatti C.(2016) TreeQTL: hierarchical error control for eQTL findings. Bioinformatics. 32(16):2556-8. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw198.
M., Peterson, B.C., Benjamini,Y., Sabatti,C.,
(2021) Hypotheses on a tree: new error rates and testing strategies, Biometrika, Volume 108, Issue 3, September 2021,
Pages 575–590, https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/asaa086
Gurkan, G., Benjamini,
Y. & Braun, H. (2021) Defensible inferences from a nested sequence of
logistic regressions: a guide for the perplexed. Large-scale Assess Educ 9, 16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40536-021-00111-7
T., Benjamini, Y. (2022) Testing the equality of
multivariate means when p > n by combining the Hotelling and Simes tests. Test 31, 390–415 DOI
Y. (2020) Selective inference: The silent killer of replicability. Harvard
data Science Review, 2(4). DOI: 10.1162/99608f92.fc62b261
Y., Heller, R, Krieger, A. & Rosset, S (2023) Discussion on “Optimal
test procedures for multiple hypotheses controlling the familywise expected
loss” by Willi Maurer, Frank Bretz, and Xiaolei Xun. Biometrics,
Replicability in Science
Lipkind D, Sakov A, Kafkafi N, et al. (2004) New replicable anxiety-related
measures of wall vs. center behavior
of mice in the open field. Journal of Applied Physiology 97 (1): 347-359.
Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y, Sakov
A, Elmer, GI, Golani, I (2005) Genotype-environment interactions in mouse behavior: A way out of the problem PNAS 102 (12): 4619-4624.
Benjamini, Y., Lipkind,
D., Horev, G., Fonio, E., Kafkafi, N. Golani I. (2010). Ten ways to improve the
quality of descriptions of whole-animal movement. Neuroscience & Biobehaviorial
Sakov, A., Golani, I., Lipkind,
D., Benjamini, Y. (2010) High Throughput data
analysis in behavior genetics. Annals of Applied Statistics, 743-763.
Fonio, E. Golani, I., Benjamini,
Y. (2012) Measuring behavior of animal models:
faults and remedies. NATURE METHODS. 1167-1170
Benjamini,Y., Hechtlinger, Y.
(2013) Discussion: An estimate of the science-wise false
discovery rate and applications to top medical journals by Jager and Leek. Biostatistics15, 13-16.
Heller, R., Bogomolov,
M., Benjamini, Y. (2014) Deciding whether
follow-up studies have replicated findings in a
preliminary large-scale “omics’ study”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Peterson CB, Bogomolov M, Benjamini Y, Sabatti C.(2016) TreeQTL: hierarchical error control for eQTL findings. Bioinformatics. 32(16):2556-8. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw198.
Bogomolov, M., Peterson, B.C., Benjamini,Y., Sabatti,C., (2021) Hypotheses
on a tree: new error rates and testing strategies, Biometrika,
Volume 108, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 575–590, https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/asaa086
Gurkan, G., Benjamini, Y. & Braun, H. (2021) Defensible
inferences from a nested sequence of logistic regressions: a guide for the
perplexed. Large-scale Assess Educ 9, 16.
Yoav Benjamini, Richard D. De Veaux,
Bradley Efron, et al (2021) ASA President’s Task Force Statement on
Statistical Significance and Replicability, CHANCE, 34:4, 10-11, DOI: 10.1080/09332480.2021.2003631
Kafkafi, N. Golani, I. Jaljuli,
I., Morgan, H. Sarig, T, Würbel, H. Yaacoby, S. Benjamini, Y. (2017) Addressing reproducibility in single-laboratory
phenotyping experiments. Nature Methods,14,5, 462-464.
Karp, Natasha
A.; Heller, Ruth; Yaacoby, Shay; White, J.K., Benjamini, Y. (2017) Improving the Identification of
Phenotypic Abnormalities and Sexual Dimorphism in Mice When Studying Rare Event
Categorical Characteristics. Genetics, 205, 2, 491-501.
Kafkafi, Neri, Agassi, Joseph, Chesler, Elissa J.et al. (2018)
Reproducibility and replicability of rodent phenotyping in preclinical studies. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 87, 218-232.
Benjamini, Y. (2020) Selective inference: The
silent killer of replicability. Harvard data Science Review, 2(4).
DOI: 10.1162/99608f92.fc62b261
(2022) Quantifying Replicability and
Consistency in Systematic Reviews, Statistics in
Biopharmaceutical Research, DOI: 10.1080/19466315.2022.2050291
Jaljuli, I., Kafkafi,
N., Giladi, E., Golani, I., Gozes,
I., Chesler, E. J., ... & Benjamini,
Y. (2023). A multi-lab experimental assessment reveals that replicability
can be improved by using empirical estimates of genotype-by-lab interaction. PLoS Biology, 21(5), e3002082.
Animal Behaviour
Benjamini, Y., Bitterman, N. (1990). Statistical
Approach to the analysis of sensitivity to CNS oxygen toxicity in rats Undersea biomedical research 17 (3), 213-221
Golani, Y. Benjamini, D. Eilam (1993). Stopping behavior: constraints on exploration in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Behavioural Brain Research, 21-33.
Tchernichovski O., Benjamini
Y., Golani I. (1996) Constraints
and the emergence of order in the ontology of rat exploratory behavior Behaviour,
133, 7-8, 519-539.
N. Kafkafi, S.
Levi-Havusha, I. Golani, Y. Benjamini (1996). Coordination of side-to-side
head movements and walking in amphetamine-treated rats: a stereotyped motor
pattern as a stable equilibrium in a dynamical system. Biological Cybernetics,
74, 487-495
Tchernichovski O., Benjamini
Y., Golani I. (1998) The
dynamics of long-term exploration in the rat. Part I: A phase – plane analysis
of the relationship between location and velocity. Biological Cybernetics 78, 6, 423-432.
Drai D., Benjamini Y., Golani, I. (2000) Statistical discrimination of natural modes of motion in rat exploratory behavior. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 96, 119-131.
Benjamini, Y., Drai, D. Elmer
G., Kafkafi N., Golani I. (2001). Controlling the false discovery rate
in behavior genetics research. Behavioural Brain Research, 125 (1-2): 279-284. (Cited ~1200)
Drai D., Kafkafi N., Benjamini
Y., Elmer G., Golani I. (2001) Rats and mice share common ethologically relevant parameters
of exploratory behavior. Behavioural Brain Research, 125 (1-2): 133-140.
Kafkafi, N., Lipkind, D., Benjamini, Y., Mayo, C.L., Elmer,G.I., Golani I. (2003) SEE locomotor behavior test discriminates C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mouse inbred strains across laboratories and protocol conditions. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117, No. 3, 464–477.
Lipkind D, Sakov A, Kafkafi N, et al. (2004) New replicable anxiety-related
measures of wall vs. center behavior
of mice in the open field. Journal of Applied Physiology 97 (1): 347-359.
Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y, Sakov
A, Elmer, GI, Golani, I (2005) Genotype-environment interactions in mouse behavior: A way out of the problem PNAS 102 (12): 4619-4624.
Hen I., Sakov A., Kafkafi N., Golani I., Benjamini Y. (2004) The dynamics of Spatial behavior: How can robust techniques help? Journal of Neuroscience methods 133 (1-2) 161-172.
E, Benjamini Y, Golani I (2007) Coordination of
steering in a free-trotting quadruped. Journal
of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavoral Physiology 193 (3): 331-345.
G, Benjamini Y, Sakov A,
Golani I (2007) Estimating wall guidance and attraction in mouse
free locomotor behavior. Genes Brain and Behavior 6 (1): 30-41.
G., Sakov, A., Benjamini,
Y., Golani, I., (2006) Estimating wall guidance and attraction in mouse
free locomotor behavior. Genes Brain and Behavior 6 (1): 30-41.
E., Sakov, A., Benjamini,
Y., Golani, I., (2006) Wild mouse Open Field behavior
is embedded within the multidimensional data space spanned by laboratory inbred
strains. Genes Brain and Behavior 5 (5): 380-388.
Letwin NE, Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y, Mayo C, Frank BC, Luu T, Lee NH, Elmer GI,
(2006). Combined application of behavior
genetics and microarray analysis to identify regional expression themes and
gene-behavior associations. Journal of Neuroscience
Reiner-Benaim A, Yekutieli
D, Letwin NE, Elmer GI, Lee NH, Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y (2007). Associating
quantitative behavioral traits with gene expression
in the brain: searching for diamonds in the hay. Bioinformatics,2239-2246. 26, 5277-5287.
Benjamini, Y., Lipkind,
D., Horev, G., Fonio, E., Kafkafi, N. Golani I. (2010). Ten ways to improve the
quality of descriptions of whole-animal movement. Neuroscience & Biobehaviorial
Fonio, U., Benjamini, Y., Golani, I. (2009)
Freedom of movement and the stability of its unfolding in free exploration of
mice. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences 106, 21335-21340.
Sakov, A., Golani, I., Lipkind,
D., Benjamini, Y. (2010) High Throughput data
analysis in behavior genetics. Annals of Applied Statistics, 743-763.
Benjamini, Y., Fonio, E. Galili, T., Havkin, G.Z. Golani, I. (2011). Quantifying the
buildup in extent and complexity of free exploration in mice Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 108, 3,
A., Oron, E. Gakamsky, A., Valente,
D., Benjamini, Y., Golani, I. (2016) Generative
rules of Drosophila locomotor behavior as a candidate
homology across phyla. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 6,
Article Number: 27555.
Fonio, E. Golani, I., Benjamini,
Y. (2012) Short and
Long Term Measures of Anxiety Exhibit Opposite Results . PLOS ONE 7, 10, Article
Number: e48414
Fonio, E. Golani, I., Benjamini,
Y. (2012) Measuring behavior of animal models:
faults and remedies. NATURE METHODS. 1167-1170
Wexler, Yair; Benjamini, Yoav;
Golani, Ilan (2018).
Vertical exploration and dimensional modularity in mice. Royal Society Open
Science. Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Article Number: 180069
(2020) It’s the Selection’s Fault—Not the p-Values’: A Comment
on “The Role of p-Values in Judging the Strength of Evidence and
Realistic Replication Expectations”, Statistics
in Biopharmaceutical Research, 13:1, 22-25, DOI: 10.1080/19466315.2020.1845790
Karp, Natasha
A.; Mason, Jeremy; Beaudet, Arthur L.; et al. (2017) Prevalence of Sexual
Dimorphism in Mammalian Phenotipic traits. Nature Communications, 8,15475 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15475.
Karp, Natasha
A.; Heller, Ruth; Yaacoby, Shay; White, J.K., Benjamini, Y. (2017) Improving the Identification of
Phenotypic Abnormalities and Sexual Dimorphism in Mice When Studying Rare Event
Categorical Characteristics. Genetics, 205, 2, 491-501.
Jaljuli, I., Kafkafi,
N., Giladi, E., Golani, I., Gozes,
I., Chesler, E. J., ... & Benjamini,
Y. (2023). A multi-lab experimental assessment reveals that replicability
can be improved by using empirical estimates of genotype-by-lab interaction. PLoS Biology, 21(5), e3002082.
Genomics and Bioinformatics
Reiner A., Yekutieli D. Benjamini Y. (2003) Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes Using False Discovery Rate Controlling Procedures Bioinformatics, 19,3,368-375.
Benjamini Y. Yekutieli D.
(2005) The False Discovery Rate Approach to Quantitative Trait
Loci Analysis. Genetics,
171 (2),783-789.
Letwin NE, Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y, Mayo C, Frank BC, Luu T, Lee NH, Elmer GI,
(2006). Combined application of behavior
genetics and microarray analysis to identify regional expression themes and
gene-behavior associations. Journal of Neuroscience
D, Reiner-Benaim A, Benjamini Y, Elmer GI, Kafkafi N, Letwin NE, Lee NH (2006) Approaches to
multiplicity issues in complex research in microarray analysis. Statistica Neerlandica
60 (4): 414-437.
Reiner-Benaim A, Yekutieli D, Letwin NE, Elmer GI, Lee NH, Kafkafi N, Benjamini Y (2007). Associating quantitative behavioral traits with gene expression in the brain: searching for diamonds in the hay. Bioinformatics,2239-2246.
26, 5277-5287. Shaul, S., Berel, D., Benjamini, Y. Gaur, D. (2010) Revisiting the Operational RNA Code for Amino Acids: Ensemble Attributes and their Implications. RNA,16, 141-153.
Peterson, Christine B; Service, Susan K; Jasinska, Anna J; et al. (2016) Characterization
of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci in Pedigrees from Colombia and Costa Rica
Ascertained for Bipolar Disorder. PLoS
genetics, 12 ,5 Pages: e1006046
Sofer, T, Heller, T., Bogomolov,
M., et al. (2017) A powerful statistical framework for generalization
testing in GWAS, with application to the HCHS/SOL. Genetics Epidemiology,
41, 3, 251-258, DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22029.
Jasinska, Anna J.;
Zelaya, Ivette; Service, Susan K.; et
al.(2017). Genetic variation and gene expression across multiple tissues and
developmental stages in a nonhuman primate. Nature Genetics 49, 12, 1714-
Brain Research
Reiner-Benaim A., Yekutieli
D., Letwin N.E., Elmer G.I., Lee N.H., Kafkafi N., Benjamini Y. (2007).
Associating quantitative behavioral traits with gene
expression in the brain: searching for diamonds in the hay. Bioinformatics,2239-2246.
Y, Bentin S, Gelbard H, Benjamini, Y, Heller R, Nir Y, Hasson U, Malach R (2007)
Extrinsic and intrinsic systems in the
posterior cortex of the human brain revealed during natural sensory stimulation
Cerebral Cortex 17 (4): 766-777.
Heller, R., Golland Y., Malach R., Benjamini Y. (2007) Conjunction group analysis:
An alternative to mixed/random effect analysis. NeuroImage 1178–1185.
Rosenblatt, J. D., Vink, M., Benjamini, Y. (2014) Revisiting multi-subject random effects in fMRI: Advocating prevalence estimation. NEUROIMAGE, 84,113-121.
Rosenblatt, J.D., Benjamini,
Y. (2014) Selective Inference; not voodoo. Neuroimage. 2014 Aug 19. pii:
S1053-8119(14)00691-0. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.