library(survival) # Example 1 n <- 10 t <- round(rexp(n,rate=0.2),2) c <- round(rexp(n,rate=0.1),2) d <- t < c x <- ifelse(d,t,c) ord <- order(x) cat(paste(x[ord],ifelse(d,"","+")[ord],sep=""),sep=",") ; cat("\n") t.proc <- seq(10^(-6),20,length=1000) alpha.t <- rep(0.2,1000) x.seg <- c(0,sort(x[d])) n.seg <- length(x.seg)-1 y.proc <- rep(NA,1000) n.proc <- rep(NA,1000) lambda.proc <- rep(NA,1000) Lambda.proc <- rep(0,1000) for(i in 1:1000) { y.proc[i] <- sum( t.proc[i] <= x) n.proc[i] <- sum( x <= t.proc[i] & d) lambda.proc[i] <- y.proc[i] * alpha.t[i] if(i>1) Lambda.proc[i] <- Lambda.proc[i-1] + lambda.proc[i] * (t.proc[i]-t.proc[i-1]) } ylm <- range(c(Lambda.proc,n.proc)) xlm <- c(0,max(x)+4) par(mfcol=c(2,1)) plot(t.proc,Lambda.proc,type="l",xlim=xlm,ylim=ylm,xlab="Time",ylab="Number of obs. - intensity", main="Event counting process and Intensity process") segments(x.seg,0:n.seg,c(x.seg[-1],40),0:n.seg) plot(t.proc,n.proc - Lambda.proc,type="l",xlim=xlm,xlab="Time",ylab="Error",main = "M process") #____________________________________________________________________________ # # Input counting process simulation study - RUN FOLLOWING COMMANDS: #____________________________________________________________________________ count.proc.sim <- function(n=50,plt=c(T,T,F,F)) { # t <- rexp(n,rate=0.2) c <- rexp(n,rate=0.1) # d <- t < c x <- ifelse(d,t,c) # t.proc <- seq(0.00001,20,length=1000) alpha.t <- rep(0.2,1000) # y.proc <- rep(NA,1000) n.proc <- rep(NA,1000) lambda.proc <- rep(NA,1000) gamma.proc <- rep(0,1000) m.proc <- rep(0,1000) j.proc <- rep(1,1000) h.proc <- rep(0,1000) z.proc <- rep(0,1000) a.hat <- rep(0,1000) <- rep(0,1000) var.proc <- rep(0,1000) # # for(i in 1:1000) { y.proc[i] <- sum( t.proc[i] <= x) n.proc[i] <- sum( x <= t.proc[i] & d) lambda.proc[i] <- y.proc[i] * alpha.t[i] if(i>1) gamma.proc[i] <- gamma.proc[i-1] + lambda.proc[i] * (t.proc[i]-t.proc[i-1]) m.proc[i] <- n.proc[i] - gamma.proc[i] if(y.proc[i] == 0) j.proc[i] <- 0 if(y.proc[i] > 0) h.proc[i] <- 1 / y.proc[i] if(i>1) {[i] <-[i-1] + j.proc[i] * alpha.t[i] * (t.proc[i]-t.proc[i-1]) a.hat[i] <- a.hat[i-1] + h.proc[i] * (n.proc[i]-n.proc[i-1]) z.proc[i] <- z.proc[i-1] + h.proc[i] * (m.proc[i]-m.proc[i-1]) var.proc[i] <- var.proc[i-1] + y.proc[i]^(-2) * (n.proc[i]-n.proc[i-1]) } } # # num.plt <- sum(plt) if(num.plt>0) { par(mfcol=c(1,num.plt)) if(plt[1]) plot(survfit(Surv(x,d),type="kaplan-meier", # if(plt[2]) { ylm <- range(c(gamma.proc,n.proc)) plot(t.proc,gamma.proc,type="l",ylim=ylm,xlab="Time",ylab="Number of obs. - intensity") lines(t.proc,n.proc) } # if(plt[3]) { plot(t.proc,m.proc,type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Martingale process") abline(0,0) } # if(plt[4]) { plot(sqrt(var.proc),z.proc,type="l",xlab="Time", ylab="Z process") abline(0,0) } } # # return(t.proc,gamma.proc,n.proc,m.proc,,a.hat,z.proc,var.proc) } # Example 2 a <- count.proc.sim(plt=c(T,T,T,F),n=20) # Plot 8 replications of N and Gamma processes n.mat <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) gamma.mat <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) a.hat.mat <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) z.mat <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) var.mat <- array(dim=c(1000,8)) for(i in 1:8) { a <- count.proc.sim(plt=c(F,F,F,F),n=50) n.mat[,i] <- a$n.proc gamma.mat[,i] <- a$gamma.proc[,i] <- a$ a.hat.mat[,i] <- a$a.hat z.mat[,i] <- a$z.proc var.mat[,i] <- a$var.proc } t.proc <- a$t.proc n <- 50 # Plot 8 replications of N-A cumulative hasard estimate par(mfcol=c(1,1)) <- apply(,1,max) ylm <- range(a.hat.mat) plot(t.proc,a.hat.mat[,1],ylim=ylm,xlab="Time",ylab="Predicted cummulative risk",main="N-A estimate",type="l") for(i in 2:8) lines(t.proc,a.hat.mat[,i]) lines(t.proc,,col=2) # 1000 replcations NA.est.10 <- rep(NA,1000) NA.var.10 <- rep(NA,1000) for(i in 1:1000) { a <- count.proc.sim(plt=c(F,F,F,F),n=800) NA.est.10[i] <- (a$a.hat[500] + a$a.hat[501])/2 NA.var.10[i] <- (a$var.proc[500] + a$var.proc[501])/2 } par(mfcol=c(1,2)) hist(NA.est.10,main=paste("NA-estimates - sd =",round(sqrt(var(NA.est.10)),2))) boxplot(sqrt(NA.var.10),main="sqrt -- of variance estimates")