Work on FDR methodology

·  Resampling based FDR controlling multiple testing for correlated test statistics
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini, published in 1999 in the JSPI, 82, 171-196)

·  The control of the FDR multiple testing under dependency
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini, published in 2001 in the Annals of Statistics, 29 (4), 1165-1188)

·  Adaptive linear step-up FDR controlling procedures
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini and Abba Krieger, Research Paper 01-03 the Department of Statistics and OR, Tel Aviv University)

·  FDR adjusted confidence intervals
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini, Published in 2005, JASA, 100, 469, pg 71)

·  A FDR procedure for pairwise comparisons
(submitted for publication)

·  Hierarchical FDR testing of trees of hypotheses
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini, Research Paper 02-02 the Department of Statistics and OR, Tel Aviv University)

Work in genetics

·  Identifying differentially expressed genes using the FDR
(joint work with Anat reiner and Yoav Benjamini, published in 2003 in Bioinformatics 19(3) 368-375)

·  QTL analysis using the FDR
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini, Genetics - Articles Ahead of Print, 10.1534/genetics.104.036699)

·  Searching for QTL with a two level FDR binary tree
(joint work with Yoav Benjamini and Doron Puder)

Power point presentations

·  Recent advance in FDR methodology
(presented in the Statistics Seminar at TAU; Nov. 2002)

·  QTL mapping using the FDR
(presented at JSM 2002)

·  Confidence interval for selected parameters
(presented at MCP 2002)

·  New FDR methodology for complex statistical analysis of genetic data
(presented at 7th Purdue stat. symp.; June 2003)

·  Confidence interval for selected parameters    (Westfall’s example)
(presented at HUJI stat seminar; Nov. 2004)

·  Recent advance in FDR methodology
(presented in the Industrial Engineering Seminar at TAU; Jan. 2006)