Tel-Aviv University - Computer Science Colloquium

Sunday, January 9, 14:15-15:15
COFFEE at 14:00

Schreiber Building, Room 309

Loopy belief propagation ---

from image understanding to error correcting codes

Yair Weiss

UC Berkeley


Algorithms for probability propagation in graphs have been
independently discovered and analyzed in a variety of fields including
artificial intelligence, speech recognition and error-correcting
codes. In these various fields it was shown that the algorithms
converge to the globally correct posterior probabilities for singly
connected graphs. Recently, however, a number of researchers have
empirially demonstrated good performance of these same algorithms on
graphs with loops.  Perhaps the most dramatic instance is the near
Shannon limit performance of ``Turbo Codes'' whose decoding algorithm
is equivalent to probability propagation on a loopy graph.

I will describe analytical results for probability propagation in
graphs with loops --- including sufficient conditions for convergence
and a formula relating the correct probabilities with the probabilities
calculated using propagation algorithms.  This leads to a category of
loopy graphs for which the decision based on probability propagation
can be proven to be optimal (although the probabilities will be
incorrect).  I will illustrate the analysis using examples from image
understanding and error-correcting codes.


For colloquium schedule, see http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~zwick/colloq.html