Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization - 0365.4042

Lecturer: Prof. Rafi Hassin ( )
Office: Schreiber Bldg. 107, Phone: 9281
School of Mathematical Sciences
Tel-Aviv University

Time and Place

Course not given in 2009/10.

Intended Audience and Prerequisites

This is a graduate core course in the M.Sc. program in Operations Research. It also fits graduate students from other programs such as Computer Science and Industrial Engineering. Third year undergraduate students are welcome.

Course requirements/Exams

Weekly homework sets will be assigned during the semester. These assignments are mandatory. Solutions to the most interesting/difficult problems will be discussed in class. The grade will mainly be determined by the final exam. There is no textbook.

Course description

Most of the interesting optimization problems which involve binary or integer variables are NP-hard and do not have `efficient' algorithms. The subject of constructing approximation algorithms with provable error bounds for these problems is nowadays a `hot' research area and exciting developments are announced frequently. To see the richness of the area you are invited to look at `A compendium of NP optimization problems' where hundreds of problems are surveyed. Much of the beauty of these results is in the fact that they are ingenuous, require very little background knowledge, differ from each other, and no general theory seems to unify them. This explains why the topic is popular among students and researchers, possibly beyond proportion to its real significance in Operations Research and Computer Science. The course will survey many problems which were selected because they are fundamental, have especially nice solutions, or related to my research. It will also survey heuristics and meta-heuristics that are used in practically solving such problems.