[C] The Asymptotic Finite Dimensional Theory. The start of Asymptotic
Geometric Analysis

C-1 The period we called it the Local Theory, still a branch of
Geometric Functional Analysis.

[32]; [42]; [43]; [44]; [48]; [49]; [50]; [52]; [54]; [59]; [60]; [64]; [65]; [67]; [68]; [74]; [79]; [80]; [81]; [84];

Some crucial papers:
[32] 1971, see remarks in part A .
[43] 1977, joint with Figiel and Lindenstrauss; see remarks in part A
[44] 1978, joint with Wolfson, - the extremal properties of l_1 is
[49] 1980, joint with Amir; see remarks in part A .
[50] 1981, joint with Davis and Tomczak-Jaegermann;
[52] 1982; joint with Alon; new combinatorial tools were brought to Local Theory.
[54] 1983; See [52]
[60] 1985, - The Quotient of a subspace theorem is proved;
[65] 1986, joint with Schechtman; see remarks in part A .
[74] 1986, joint with Pisier; weak cotype and weak Hilbert spaces are
introduced and studied.
[80] 1987, joint with Koenig; the duality of Entropy is established
for operators of rank proportional to the dimension. .
Related articles and books:

Pisier, Gilles The volume of convex bodies and Banach space geometry. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 94. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989. xvi+250 pp

Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole Banach-Mazur distances and finite-dimensional operator ideals. Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 38. Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1989. xii+395 pp
C-2 The change of the point of view and the start of Asymptotic
Geometric Analysis;
(The use of Classical Convexity and Geometric Inequalities
in Asymptotic Theory. Applications to Convexity)

[57]; [58]; [66]; [71]; [72]; [73]; [76]; [78]; [82]; [83]; [85];
[87]; [88]; [89]; [90]; [91]; [92]; [94] --- [103]; [107] --- [120];
[122]; [123]; [124]; [126]; [127]; [128]; [130]; [131]; [132];
[134] --- [138]; [140]; [142] --- [148].

Some crucial papers:
[57] 1983/4, joint with Gromov; Brunn-Minkowski inequality is used first time in the Local Theory/Asymptotic Theory of Normed Spaces; generalization of Khinchine type inequality to arbitrary convex body.
[58] 1985; the paper introduced the theory of Geometric Inequalities to the Asymptotic study of Normed Spaces; it is a lecture delivered on L.Schwartz Colloquium at 1983; the publication of the volume was delayed for two years.
[71] 1985, joint with Bourgain; Reverse Blaschke-Santalo inequality and how to work with volumes in high dimension; the complete proofs are published in [78], 1987,
[76] 1986, - reverse Brunn-Minkowski ineq. is established.
[82] 1987, the first proved in the paper inequality contains a mistake, and should be corrected
[85] 1989, joint with Bourgain and Lindenstrauss;
[87] 1988, joint with Bourgain, Meyer and Pajor; very interesting  inequality is under investigation; this was advanced very recently in [135] and [148] (both joint with Gluskin).
[88] 1988, relatively easy proofs of reverse Santalo and Brunn-Minkowski inequalities; there is not finsihed last part on mixed volume similar reverse inequality.
[90] 1988, joint with Bourgain and Lindenstrauss; it contains a few central results and develop a method of reducing a number of terms in Minkowski sums; the main result on a number of steps of Minkowski symmetrizations needed to approximate an euclidean ball, was very recently improved, and brought to the
final form by B.Klartag. The study was continued in [96] for Steiner symmetrizations.
[92] 1989, joint with Pajor; notion of inertion ellipsoids were revived; detail study of isotropic positions and isotropic constants.
C-3 Results of mostly Geometric Nature.

[92]; [121]; [122]; [125]; [126]; [130]; [137]; [141]; [144];

Some crucial papers:
[92] 1989, joint with Pajor; see remarks in part C-2.
[121] 1999, joint with Alesker and Dar,
[122] 2000, joint with Pajor,
[125] 2000, joint with Giannopoulos,
[137] 2003, joint with Bourgain and Klartag,
[141] 2003, joint with Klartag.