[E] Asymptotic Modulii (which I called in 60-th"betha" and "delta"

[18], [19], [25], [26], [30], [31], [38], [93].

Some crucial papers:
[18] 1967, - the notion of betha and delta modulii are introduced with the first applications for Banach Space Geometry; continuation of this study in [19], 1968, and the duality for these modulii in [25], 1969.
[31] 1971, - very developed study of these modulii and how they influence linear and geometric properties of the infinite dimensional spaces.
[93] 1989, joint with Perelson; I return to the theory of asymtotic modulii to develop, jointly with my master student the connection of these modulii with the type- cotype theory.
Related papers and Books:

E. Maluta; S. Prus; M. Szczepanik, On Milman's moduli for Banach
spaces. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 6 (2001), no. 2, 115--129.