

Current Projects

Cardiac Functionality from cardiac acoustics

Computational genomics

underground exploration

Brian Imaging Interpretation







   Cardiac functionality from cardiac acoustics

    Guy Amit

     We revisit the problem of quantitative analysis of mechanical vibro-acoustic heart signals using modern signal processing tools. We study the relationship between acoustic indices, extracted from the time-frequency energy distribution of S1, and reference echocardiographic indices that are related to left-ventricular systolic functionality. To achieve dynamic, yet controllable, hemodynamic conditions, we used clinical settings of a routine echocardiography pharmacological stress test. Work includes signal processing and feature extraction methods applied to the vibro-acoustic heart signal, and introduction of novel acoustic indices of systolic functionality.  We study the correlation between these indices and echocardiography-derived measures.                                         This study may be applicable to continuous non-invasive monitoring of cardiac systolic function.