Undergraduate Seminar in Number Theory 0366-3328-01

Tel Aviv, Fall 2023

Zeev Rudnick

The seminar will consist of presentations by the students of various topics in Number Theory and its applications. There will be one formal meeting per week with the entire class as well as one-on-one meeting with the instructor to prepare the lectures, make up a homework assignment which will later be graded by the speakers and discuss the homework grades.


Wednesday 12-14, Dan David 204


The main subject will be the theory of binary quadratic forms and representation of primes as values of binary quadratic forms, for instance which primes are of the form x2+y2, or of the form x2+6 y2.

In detail:

Optional topics (time permitting)
  1. Integral quaternions and the four-square theorem (from Herstein chapter 7)
  2. The ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic number field.


All students need to have already completed the course Introduction to Number Theory. Also useful would be the course Algebra B1.

Grading policy:


Contact me at: rudnick@tauex.tau.ac.il

Office : Schreiber 308

Course homepage: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rudnick/courses/undergradsem2023/undergradseminar2023.html