

Open Projects

Cardiac Monitoring

Brain Monitoring

Computational Genomics

Sonar Methods


Computer Systems and Networks of Biomedical sensors






Imatge de diagramació



                        Computational Genomics

Multi-database mining and graph mining algorithms

iStock_000002253141XSmall.jpgCurrent knowledge about genomics and proteomics is expanding rapidly with many databases being created for special purposes. This project will draw information from a collection of different databases, to obtain maximal amount of knowledge of specific genes (or proteins) with respect to their effect on specific processes. The computational questions is to determine those genes which are optimal targets for diagnosis or therapy, namely those genes which participate in  a large number of pathways and processes (simpler problem) and for therapy, those genes which when affected, block a certain pathway completely, with minimal effect on other pathways. This is an NP hard problem which requires development of novel computational methods.  The work will be in conjunction with leading researches in molecular biologists and biochemistry to address some of the most current biological research questions.

Requirements: This project is intended for MSc Students in the Bioinformatics program which have also good knowledge in several database mining languages such as Python, knowledge in graph theoretic methods and the specific use of the Graph Boost Library.

Gene Dynamic Network Inference using Bayesian Methods

This project is intends to continue work done by Omer Berkman on inference from a collection of “weak” Bayesian networks. The inference is obtained on a regularitory network from a (long) time series of Genes (or other markers) activations. In particular, the causal regulation is sought, namely those markers which initiate the regulation of other markers.(see related work in current projects)

Similar causal effects are sought in brain imaging inference, as we are using high resolution imaging (with EEG and MEG). See above.