

Open Projects

Cardiac Monitoring

Brain Monitoring

Computational Genomics

Sonar Methods


Computer Systems and Networks of Biomedical sensors








                                    Brain Imaging

   Analysis of Brain Imaging Data in Conjunction with Cardiac Activity

iStock_000004593967XSmall.jpgIt is well known that there are strong interactions between the (somatic) sensory system of the body and its brain activity. In particular, we are interested in the interaction of brain activity under high blood pressure and other cardiac malfunction. We are also interested in the connection between the sensory system and epilepsy.

First step in this project relies on concurrent recording of EEG data and ECG data in epileptic patients.  

Students interested in this project should gain basic knowledge in signal processing, learning machines and physiology and be prepared to spend some of their time in a hospital environment.   All the brain imaging related work are in conjunction with Dr. Talma Hendler the Head of the Brain Imaging Unit at Ichilov Hospital and other colleagues from that unit.


Analysis of fMRI/EEG data: Emotional Effects

This work is done in collaboration with Dr. Talma Hendler at the Souraski Medical Center (Ichilov), Prof. Itzhak Frid from Tel-Aviv U and UCLA,  and Prof. Eshel Ben Yaakov in Physics. See presentation of Itai Baruchi at my Advanced Seminar.

There are subprojects in signal processing, machine learning and computer vision in this subtopic.