

Open Projects

Cardiac Monitoring

Brain Monitoring

Computational Genomics

Sonar Methods


Computer Systems and Networks of Biomedical sensors

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                                  Cardiac Monitoring                                       

      Cardio/Pulmonary Functionality Inference

The collection of projects are aimed at advancing current state of the art in understanding cardiac functionality and its relation to the sounds emanated from the heart. These projects rely heavily on physiological understanding of the cardio pulmonary system. The physiological knowledge is provided by Prof. Noam Gavriely.

Following algorithms and data manipulations which result from the phyiStock_000003522930XSmall.jpgsiological process, our goal is to provide the necessary machine learning and signal processing algorithms to best reflect the cardiac functionality changes we are mostly interested in. Data for this work comes from healthy subjects as well as patients.

Inference of basic cardiac functionality

It is well known that there are strong interactions between the (somatic) sensory system and its brain activity. In particular, we are interested in the interaction of brain activity under high blood pressure and other cardiac malfunction. We are also interested in the connection between the sensory system and epilepsy.

First step in this project relies on concurrent recording of EEG data and ECG data in epileptic patients.  

Students interested in this project should gain basic knowledge in signal processing, learning machines and physiology and be prepared to spend some of their time in a hospital environment.   All the brain imaging related work are in conjunction with Dr. Talma Hendler the Head of the Brain Imaging Unit at Ichilov Hospital and other colleagues from that unit.