The seminar covers a wide range of topics in Pure and Applied
Probability, Mathematical Physics, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. The seminar is organized by
Yinon Spinka.
Usual place and time are Tel Aviv University's
Schreiber Building room
309, on
Mondays at 14:30-15:30, but check each announcement as this
is sometimes changed.
To join or leave the mailing list go to the seminar's group or write to yinonspi (* the at symbol *)
During the 2023 acedemic year the seminar was not active.
During the 2020-2022 academic years the seminar joined forces with the
Joint Israeli Probability Seminar (JIPS).
prior years the seminar was organized by
Ron Peled.
The seminar is named after
Shlomo Horowitz, who was among the first faculty members to study probability theory at Tel Aviv University.