R Code and Data Sets

Code for simulating samples with 10% "outliers".

Code to test if a sequence of numbers behaves like a random sequence.

Code for MC integration with a non-uniform sampling distribution.

Code with an example of estimation by importance sampling.

Code with an example comparing MC and Simpson's rule for multi-dimensional numerical integration.

Earthquake magnitudes in Israel in 2004.

Data from a possible cloud seeding experiment.

Code for assessing the effect of cloud seeding with the bootstrap.

Data set with rainfall at three stations.

Code for assessing and comparing correlation coefficients with the bootstrap.

Code for assessing the effect of cloud seeding with the jackknife.

Birth weight study data.

Newton-Raphson for Cauchy data.

Newton-Raphson for truncated Poisson data.

Newton-Raphson for Gamma data.

Newton-Raphson for logistic regression.

Parameter estimation for non-linear regression.