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Book: An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic theory.

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Some Older Papers.

    Click on a highlighted title to download a pdf (or a link to one).
  • J. Aaronson, H. Nakada, O. Sarig, R. Solomyak Invariant measures and asymptotics for some skew products(as in Israel J. Math. 128 (2002), 93--134.)
  • Corrections to "Invariant measures and asymptotics for some skew products" (as in Israel J. Math.138 (2003), 377--379).
  • J. Aaronson, M. Denker Group extensions of Gibbs-Markov maps(as in PTRF, 123 (2002), 38--40)
  • J. Aaronson, O. Sarig, R. Solomyak Tail-invariant measures for some suspension semiflows(as in DCDS 8 (2002), 725--735)
  • J. Aaronson, H. Nakada Trimmed sums for non-negative, mixing stationary processes. (Replaces "Sums without Maxima") (as in SPA 104 (2003), 173--192)
  • J. Aaronson, B. Weiss On Herman's theorem for ergodic, amenable group extensions of endomorphisms (as in ETDS 24 (2004), 1283--1293)
  • Jon Aaronson, Manfred Denker, Omri Sarig, Roland Zweimueller Aperiodicity of cocycles and conditional local limit theorems (as in Stoch. Dyn. 4 (2004), 31--62)
  • Jon Aaronson, Hitoshi Nakada, Omri Sarig, Exchangeable measures for subshifts(as in AIHP Probab. Statist. 42 (2006), no. 6, 727--751)
  • Jon Aaronson, Max Thaler, Roland Zweimueller Occupation times of sets of infinite measure for ergodic transformations (as in ETDS 25 (2005), 959--976)
  • Jon Aaronson, Hitoshi Nakada, On the mixing coefficients of piecewise monotonic maps. (as in: Probability in mathematics. Israel J. Math. 148 (2005), 1--10)
  • J. Aaronson, M. Lemanczyk, Exactness of Rokhlin endomorphisms and weak mixing of Poisson boundaries.(as in Algebraic and topological dynamics, 77--87, Contemp. Math., 385, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2005.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Hitoshi Nakada, Exchangeable, Gibbs and equilibrium measures for Markov subshifts(as in ETDS 27 (2007), no. 2, 321-339)
  • Jon Aaronson, Tom Meyerovitch, Absolutely continuous, invariant measures for dissipative, ergodic transformations(as in Colloq. Math. 110 (2008), no. 1, 193--199)
  • Jon Aaronson, Kyewon Koh Park,Predictability, entropy and information of infinite transformations( as in Fund. Math. 206 (2009), 1--21)
  • Jon Aaronson, Relative Complexity of random walks in random sceneries(as in Ann. Probab. Volume 40, Number 6 (2012), 2460-2482.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Roland Zweimuller Limit theory for some positive, stationary processes(as in AIHP Probab. Stat. 50 (2014), no. 1, 256--284.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Rational weak mixing in infinite measure spaces(as in ETDS 33 (2013), no. 6, 1611--1643.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Omri Sarig, Exponential chi-squared distributions in infinite ergodic theory(as in ETDS 34 (2014), no. 3, 705--724.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Maryam Hosseini & Mariusz Lemanczyk IP-rigidity and eigenvalue groups(as in ETDS 34 (2014), no. 4, 1057--1076.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Conditions for rational weak mixing(as in Stochastics and Dynamics (2016) 16, no. 2 )
  • Jon Aaronson, Zemer Kosloff, Benjamin Weiss Symmetric Birkhoff sums in infinite ergodic theory(as in ETDS 37 (2017) 2394-2416.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Hitoshi Nakada, On multiple recurrence and other properties of ``nice" infinite measure preserving transformations.( as in ETDS. 37 (2017) 1345-1368.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Michael Bromberg, Hitoshi Nakada, Discrepancy Skew Products and Affine Random Walks. (as in Isr.J.Math.221 (2017) 973-1010.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Benjamin Weiss, Distributional limits of positive, ergodic stationary processes and infinite ergodic transformations.(as in AIHP Prob. Stat. 54, 2 (2018), 879-906.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Michael Bromberg, Nishant Chandgotia, Rational ergodicity of Step function Skew Products. (as in J. Mod. Dyn 13 (2018) 1-42.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Dalia Terhesiu, Local limit theorems for suspended semiflows.(as in DCDS-A, 40, 12, (2020) 6575--6609)
  • Jon Aaronson, Benjamin Weiss, On the bounded cohomology of ergodic group actions.(as in J. d'An. Math. vol. 141, (2020) 1-- 21)
  • Jon Aaronson, Toru Sera, Tied-down occupation times of infinite ergodic transformations.(as in Isr.J.Math.251 (2022) 1-45.)
  • Jon Aaronson, Toru Sera, Functional limits for "tied down" occupation time processes of infinite ergodic transformations.
  • Jon Aaronson, Mahendra Nadkarni, Dynamics of inner functions revisited.