
  1. S. Melamed, D. Yekutieli, P. Froom, E. Kristal-Boneh, J. Ribak  (1997)  ``Adverse work and environmental in industrial workers the Israel Cordis Study'', American Journal of Epidemiology 150(1) (1997), 18-26.
  2. S. Rabin, M. Feiner, J. Shaham, D. Yekutieli, J. Ribak (1998) ``Impact of managers' personal determinants in notifying workplace hazards'', American Journal of Industrial Medicine 33(5) (1998), 493-500.
  3. D. Yekutieli, Y. Benjamini (1999) ``Resampling based False Discovery Rate controlling multiple testing procedure for correlated test statistics''. J Statist. Plann.  Inference 82 (1999), 171-196.
  4. Y. Benjamini, D. Yekutieli (2001)  ``The control of the False Discovery Rate in multiple testing under dependency'', Annals of Statistics 29(4) (2001), 1165-1188.
  5. P. Alpert, T. Ben-Gai, A. Baharad, Y. Benjamini, D. Yekutieli, M. Colacino, L. Diodato, C. Ramis, V. Homar, R. Romero, S. Michaelides, A. Manes (2002) ``The paradoxical increase of Mediterranean extreme daily rainfall in spite of decrease in total values'',  Geophys. Res. Lett. 29(11) (June issue) (2002).
  6. A. Reiner, D. Yekutieli, Y. Benjamini (2003) ``Identifying differentially expresses genes using false discovery rate controlling procedures'', Bioinformatics 19(3) (2003), 368-375.
  7. Y. Benjamini, D. Yekutieli (2005) ``Quantitative traits loci analysis using the False Discovery Rate'', Genetics 171(2) (2005), 783-789.
  8. Y. Benjamini, D. Yekutieli (2005) ``False Discovery Rate controlling confidence intervals for selected parameters'', Journal of the American Statistics Association 100, 469 (2005), 71-80.
  9. Y. Benjamini, D. Yekutieli (2005)   Rejoinder to ``False Discovery Rate controlling confidence intervals for selected parameters''. Journal of the American Statistics Association 100, 469 (2005), 90-93.
  10. S. Freimann, S., Scheinowitz, M., Yekutieli, D., Feinberg, M.S., Eldar, M., Kessler-Icekson G. (2005) ``Prior exercise training improves the outcome of acute myocardial infarction in the rat - Heart structure, function, and gene expression'', Journal of the American College of Cardiology 45 (6): 931-938 MAR 15 2005.
  11. Ziv, B., Saaroni, H., Baharad, A., Yekutieli, D., Alpert, P.  (2005)  ``Indications for aggravation in summer heat conditions over the Mediterranean Basin'', Geophysical Research letters 32 (12): Art. No. L12706 Jun 28 2005.
  12. Benjamini, Y., Krieger, A.M., Yekutieli, D. (2006) ``Adaptive Linear Step-up False Discovery Rate controlling procedures'', Biometrika 93 (3): 491-507 Sep 2006.

13.    Yekutieli D., Reiner A., Elmer G.I.,  Kafkafi N., Letwin N.E., Lee N.H., Benjamini Y. (2006) ``Approaches to multiplicity issues in complex research in microarray analysis'' Statistica Neerlandica 60 (4): 414-437 NOV 2006.

  1. Heller R., Stanley D., Yekutieli D., Rubin N. and Benjamini Y. (2006) ``Cluster Based Analysis of FMRI Data'' , Neuroimage. Nov 1 2006;33(2):599-608.
  2. Stanchescu R., Betts D. R.,  Ambros P.,  Yekutieli D., Cohen N., Rechavi  G.,  Amariglio N., Trakhtenbrot  L.  (2007) ``SKY Analysis of Childhood Neural Tumors and Cell Lines Demonstrates a Susceptibility of Aberrant Chromosomes to Further Rearrangements'' ,  Cancer Letters, Volume 250, Issue 1, 18 May 2007, Pages 47-52.
  3.  Reiner A., Yekutieli D.,  Letwin N. E., Elmer G. I., Lee N. H., Kafkafi N., Benjamini Y. (2007) ``Associating quantitative behavioral traits with gene expression in the brain: searching for diamonds in the hay'' , Bioinformatics 2007 23(17):2239-2246.
  4. Oron E., Tuller T., Ling L., Rozovsky N., Yekutieli D., Segal D., Chor B., Edgar B.A., Chamovitz D.A. (2007) ``Genomic analysis of COP9 signalosome function in Drosophila melanogaster reveals a role in temporal regulation of gene expression'' , Molecular Systems Biology 2007, 3:108.
  5. Yekutieli, D.  (2008) ``False discovery rate control for non-positively regression dependent test statistics'', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 2008,  138 (2) 405-415.
  6. Lin D., Shkedy Z., Yekutieli D., Burzykowski T., Gohlmann H., Bondt A., Perera T., Geerts T., Bijnens L. (2007) ``Testing for Trend in Dose-Response Microarray Experiments: Comparison of Several Testing Procedures, Multiplicity and Resampling-Based Inference'', Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biolog ,  Volume 6, Issue 1, Article 26.
  7. Rubinstein N.D., Mayrose I., Halperin D., Yekutieli D., Gershoni J.M., Pupko T. (2008) ``Computational characterization of B-cell epitopes'',  Molecular Immunology, 2008, 45 (12) 3477-3489.
  8. Yekutieli, D. (2008) ``Hierarchical False Discovery Rate controlling methodology'', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008, 103 (481) 309-316
  9. Kafkafi N., Yekutieli D., Yarowsky P., Elmer G. I., (2008) ``Pattern Array: a Novel Approach for Data Mining in Behavioral Tests'',  Behavioral Neuroscience, 2008, 122 (4) 777-787
  10. Yekutieli D. (2008) ``Comments on: Control of the false discovery rate under dependence using the bootstrap and subsampling'',   TEST, 2008, 17 (3) 458-460
  11. Kafkafi N., Yekutieli D., Elmer G. I. (2009) ``A Data Mining Approach to In Vivo Classification of Psychopharmacological Drugs'',  Neuropsychopharmocology,  2009,   34 (3) 607-623.
  12. Benjamini Y., Heller R., Yekutieli D (2009)  ``Selective inference in complex research'',  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, 2009, 367 (1906) 4255-4271.
  13. Yekutieli D.  (2012) ``Adjusted Bayesian inference for selected parameters'', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2012, 74  (3) 515 - 541.
  14. Anat Hershko-Klement, Einav Rovner, Daniel Yekutieli, Yehudith Ghetler, Ofer Gonen, Ilan Cohen, Amir Wiser, Arie Berkovitz, Adrian Shulman (2012) ``Embryo quality and implantation rates are not influenced by total motile count values in an ICSI programme: a novel point of view’’, Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet 2012 (3):205-212.
  15. Heller R., Yekutieli D. (2014) "Replicability analysis for genome-wide association studies",  The Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 8, No. 1, 481–498.
  16. Heller R., Yaacoby S., Yekutieli D., (2014) "repfdr: a tool for replicability analysis for genome-wide association studies", BIOINFORMATICS, Volume: 30, Issue: 20, Pages: 2971-2972.
  17. The accuracy of Gram stain of respiratory specimens in excluding Staphylococcus aureus in ventilator-associated pneumonia Gottesman T., Yossepowitch O., Lerner E., Schwartz-Harari O. Soroksky A.,  Yekutieli D., Dan M.,  (2014) JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE,  Volume: 29,  Issue: 5,  Pages: 739-742.
  18. Adetayo K., Shkedy Z., Lin D., Van Sanden S., Cortinas Abrahantes J., Goehlmann, H., Bijnens L., Yekutieli D., Aerssens J., Camilleri M., Talloen W.  (2015) ``Translation of Disease Associated Gene Signatures across Tissue", 2013, the International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Volume: 11   Issue: 3   Pages: 301-313
  19. Yekutieli D.  (2015) "Optimal exact tests for complex alternative hypotheses on cross tabulated data" ,  TEST, Volume: 24   Issue: 2   Pages: 287-301
  20. Amar D., Yekutieli D., Maron-Katz A., Hendler T., Shamir R., (2015) "A hierarchical Bayesian model for flexible module discovery in three-way time series data", BIOINFORMATICS, Volume: 31, Issue: 12, Pages: 17-26.
  21. Angelini C., Heller R., Volkinshtein R., Yekutieli D.,  (2015) "Is this the right normalization? A diagnostic tool for ChIP-seq normalization ", BMC Bioinformatics,  Volume: 16     Article Number: 150



Submitted for publication

1.       Weinstein A., Yekutieli D., "Selective Sign-Determining Multiple Confidence Intervals with Control over the FCR"



  1. Lin D.,  Shkedy Z., Yekutieli D.,  Amaratunga  D.,  Bijnens L., (Eds.) (2012) ``Modeling Dose-response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R'', Use R! Series,  Springer.


Chapters in books


  1. Yekutieli D.,  Lin D.,  Shkedy Z.,  Amaratunga  D. (2012)  ``Adjusting for Multiplicity'', Chapter 6 in``Modeling Dose-response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R'', Use R! Series, Springer.
  2. Lin D.,  Shkedy Z., Yekutieli D.,  Burzykowsky T., Gohlman H. W. H., De Bondt A., Verbeke T., Bijnens L., (2012) ``Single Contrast tests'', chapter 7 in ``Modeling Dose-response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R'', Use R!  Series, Springer.
  3. Lin D., Yekutieli D., Djira G. D., Hothorn L. A., (2012) ``Multiple Confidence Intervals for Selected Ratio Parameters Adjusted for the False Coverage-statement Rate,'' Chapter 17 in ``Modeling Dose-response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R'', Use R! Series, Springer.


Technical Reports

1.       B. Ziv, A. Manes, A. Spectorman, D. Yekutieli  (1996) ``Seasonal forecasting of precipitation in Israel''. Israel Meteorological Service, Research Report No. 2, August 1996.

2.        D. Yekutieli (1999) ``Elkund-Seeger-Simes is conservative for testing all pairwise comparison'', Research paper 99-07 of the Department of Statistics and Operations research, Tel Aviv University, 1999.